2025-02-09June 30 2005June 29 2005June 28 2005June 27 2005June 26 2005June 24 2005June 23 2005June 22 2005June 21 2005June 20 2005June 17 2005June 16 2005June 15 2005June 14 2005June 13 2005June 12 2005June 11 2005June 10 2005June 09 2005June 08 2005June 07 2005June 06 2005June 03 2005June 02 2005June 01 2005
- Production Stamping Corporation: Production Stamping Acquires Assets of Michigan Company
- North Shore Bank: To Aquire Illinois State Bank
- WPS Resources: WPS Resources Foundation, Inc., Awards Record Number of Scholarships to the Class of 2005
- SBC: Applauds AT&T Stockholder Action on Merger of Companies
- U.S. Bancorp: Raises Prime Lending Rate
- AT&T: Announces Preliminary 2005 Annual Meeting Voting Results
- First Business Bank: Steve Yahnke Joins First Business Bank as Vice President of Commercial Lending.
- WPS Resources: Wisconsin Public Service’s Business Web Site Named Best In Class
- Planet Propaganda: Hires Wesley Grubbs as Interactive Media Director
- TRUST: Transportation Budget Cuts Taxes, Spends Less While Maintaining State’s Infrastructure Investments
- Dept. of Commerce: Governor Doyle Announces $160,000 Grant to Redevelop Brownfields Site in Manitowoc
- Dept. of Commerce: Gov. Doyle Announces Funding for Gentel Biosurfaces, Inc.
- First Business Bank: First Business Announces Dividend Increase
- WPS Resources: Upon Further Review, Wisconsin Public Service Customers Set Three New Peak Electric Demand Records Yesterday
- Silver Springs Beer ‘n Brat Mustard: Men’s Health Magazine Names Silver Spring Beer ‘n Brat Mustard One of 125 “Best Foods for Men”
- DoJ: Attorney General Lautenschlager Announced Georgia Pacific to Pay $95,000 for Air Pollution Violations at Price County Plant
- CUB: Supreme Court Decision on Power Plants a “Whitewash” for Consumers & Environment
- CTT: Work Starts on Evaluation of Energy-Saving Forest Bio-Refinery Technology for Major Paper Companies in Wisconsin
- WI Beverage Association: WI Soft Drink Association Changes Name to the WI Beverage Association
- Trachte Building Systems, Inc.: Employee Transitions at Trachte
- Trachte Building Systems, Inc.: Employees Promoted
- Midwest Airlines: Announces Resumption of Seasonal Ft. Myers Service and Additional Flights to Tampa and Ft. Lauderdale
- M & I: Jason Stamm Named Vice President, Regional Manager for M&I Wealth Management’s Southwest Wisconsin Region
- Trachte Building Systems, Inc.: New Employee Hired
- UW Madison: Going for the green: Eco-friendly building strategies gather steam on campus
- NEW: Network of Executive Women to offer success strategies in September
- WPS Resources: UPPCO Sets New Record Peak
- MyWeather, LLC: Announces New Executive Team
- PIC WISCONSIN: Lohmann Promoted to Director of Claims for PIC WISCONSIN
- AT&T: Awarded Multimillion Dollar Global Networking Contract from Valassis Communications
- WPS Resources: Whew! Oppressive Heat and Humidity Drives Wisconsin Public Service Customers to Use Record Levels of Electricity — Again and Again!
- Godfrey & Kahn: Adds New Attorney to Its Intellectual Property Practice
- UW-Eau Claire: Third Annual Synergy Conference To be Hosted by UW-Eau Claire
- Direct Networks: Adds Marketing Assistant
- Direct Networks: Adds Office Facilitator
- U.S. Bancorp: Announces Results of Tender Offer
- SBC: SBC and AT&T Making Significant Progress in Merger Approval Process
- Quarles & Brady: Attorney Clears Up Confusion Over Statutes of Limitations and Statutes of Repose
- SBC: Companies Offer Consumers the “Power of Four” Through Their Communications Services and Offers
- Dane County Clean Air Coalition: First Clean Air Action Day for Ozone Called in Dane County for Tomorrow
- U.S. Bancorp: Asset Management, Inc., Declares July Distributions for Closed-End Funds
- WPS Resources: Wisconsin Public Service Customers Demand Record Electricity Production
- DWD: Solicits W-2 Requests for Proposals for 2006-09
- Wisconsin Biotechnology and Medical Device Association: Please Amend SB 243/AB 499–Cloning
- Dane County Exec. Falk: Dane County Named One of Nation’s Top 20 Nature-Friendly Communities
- Focus on Energy: Kalahari Resort Twists and Saves With New Energy Efficient Bulbs
- Kraft Foods: Announces Management Changes
- UW System: Board of Regents will tackle UW employment issues
- UW Madison School of Business: UW-Madison Accounting Professor Among Most Influential in Finance
- Midwest Airlines: Leads Market Share Race in Milwaukee
- Midwest Airlines: Corporate Report Wisconsin Names Midwest Airlines ‘Best Airline for Business Travel’
- Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality: Healthcare Quality Group Launches First Attempt
- UWM: Study Shows Class Increases Urban Teens’ Financial IQ
- MOSES: Nominations Sought For 2006 “Organic Farmer of the Year” Award
- Merge Healthcare: AZ Sint-Lucas Hospital Installs New FUSION PACS™ System Integrated Solution for Digital Imaging from Merge Healthcare
- Focus on Energy: Releases Best Practice Information for Pulp & Paper Industries
- Dane Co. Exec. Falk: County Executive Falk announces $25,000 to help Dane County military families
- Michael Best: Daniel O’Callaghan Joins Michael Best
- Small Business Times: CEOs to headline commercial real estate conference
- Small Business Times: Emteq named Small Business of the Year
- Marquette University: GE Healthcare Donates Computer Equipment to Marquette University
- Merge Healthcare: Cedara to Provide Revolutionary New Technology for Cancer Assessment and Treatment
- AT&T: Wins $2.5 Million Networking Contract From the Ziegler Companies Inc.
- MABA: ***Going, Going . . . Don’t Miss Your Last Chance to Visit the 2005 Parade of Homes!***
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wis.: Foundation Partners with the Wisconsin Academy of Family Physicians to Increase the use of BMI to Reduce Obesity
- Focus on Energy: Renewable Energy Program Promotes Energy Independence
- DWD: May Local Unemployment Rates Announced
- PEPID: Adds Evidence-Based Medicine to Its Point-of-Care Software
- General Casualty: Insurer encourages healthy lifestyles with employee wellness program
- DirectNetworks Expands To New High Tech Facility
- U.S. Bancorp: Announces Pricing for Debt Tender Offer
- Wisconsin Biotechnology and Medical Device Association: Please Amend AB 499–Cloning
- AT&T: AT&T, Church Mutual Expand Networking Agreement
- Dept. of Commerce: Help Create and Provide Affordable Housing in Wisconsin
- State IT association formed
- UW Madison: More health plans cover quit-smoking treatments
- Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek, S.C.: Are Employee Benefits Going Up in Smoke?
- Dept. of Commerce: Gov. Doyle Announces Rural Development Loans
- U.S. Bancorp: Announces Quarterly Common Stock Dividend
- UW Madison: Number theorist wins national teaching award
- SBC Communications: Announces Addition of Intrusion Prevention to Suite of Managed Security Services for Corporate Networks
- Dept. of Commerce: Gov. Doyle Announces Business Development Grants
- WPS Resources: Power Outage Planned for Five Marinette County Towns
- UW Oshkosh: Program has big impact on state’s environmental health
- DWD: Wisconsin Projections 2002-2012: Employment in Industries and Occupations
- Glowac+Harris+Madison: Peggy Frain Joins Glowac+Harris+Madison as Associate Creative Director
- WPS Resources: Planned Power Outage in Menekaunee
- Sajan: technology and integrated services, result in value for 3M
- WPS Health Insurance: Receives Conditional Approval of Medicare Drug Plan Application
- UW-Eau Claire: Graduates Finding Jobs, Many Staying in Wisconsin
- Forward Wisconsin: Wisconsin to Tout Biotech Strength at World’s Largest Industry Conference
- Governor Doyle: Appoints Citizens to Consortium on Biobased Industry
- Wisconsin Film Festival: Announces Dates for 2006 and Highlights 2005 Event
- Dept. of Commerce: Town of Somers Delegated to Enforce Commercial Building Codes
- Dept. of Commerce: Gov. Doyle to Lead Trade Mission to Poland and Czech Republic
- Wilderness Hotel & Golf Resort: The Cannonbowl – Now Open
- First Business Bank: Hires Summit Sanderson and Sherry K. Anderson as Client Services Representatives.
- GENESIS Enterprise Center: Two new businesses locate at GENESIS Enterprise Center
- DWD: May Unemployment Rates Announced
- OWAA: Conference Gathers in Greater Madison
- Dane County Lakes and Watershed Commission: Annual Dane County Waters Champion Reception and Awards
- Midwest Airlines: Announces Schedule Enhancements, Including Frequency Increases and Aircraft Upgrade
- Midwest Airlines: Announces Increased Flight Frequency to Los Angeles
- Midwest Airlines: Announces Aircraft Upgrade on Minneapolis/St. Paul Service
- UWM: Technology, Copyright Law Pose New Challenges for Information Sharing
- Joy Global Inc.: Announced Completion of its Tender Offer for 8 3/4% Senior Subordinated Notes Due 2012
- NEW: women of color report outlines industry’s challenges, opportunities
- UWM: Geography Scholar and Wife Set Major BEquest to AGS Library
- Stora Enso: shares converted and North American stock options exercised
- Dept. of Commerce: Gov. Doyle Announces Funding for Technology Development Projects
- Dept. of Commerce: Governor Doyle Commends Inland Lable and MArketing Services LLC for Earning Workplace Safety and Health Award
- RENEW: praises utility takeover of wind project
- Chippewa County Economic Development Corporation: June newsletter
- Dept. of Commerce: Gov. Doyle Announces $1.2 Million in Wisconsin Fresh Start Grants
- U.S. Bancorp: Asset Management, Inc., Announces Financial Positions for Closed-End Funds
- WPS Resources: UPPCO to Work on Hydro Facilities this Summer
- RedPrairie: Managing mobile assets without the paperwork
- Dane Co. Exec Falk: Announces Dane County Receives ‘Triple A’ Bond Ratings From Moody’s and Fitch
- Dept. of Commerce: Governor Doyle Announces Minority Business Development Loans
- Third Wave: to Webcast Shareholder Meeting Presentation
- Zeppos & Associates: Receives Seven PR Industry Awards
- Kraft Foods: Kraft Foods Declares Regular Quarterly Dividend of $0.205 Per Share
- Dane Co. Exec Falk: Dane County CDBG Loan Awarded to Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation
- UW Madison: Scientists streamline method for making key virus
- UW Madison: Study shows eutrophic lakes may not recover for a millennium
- Broadjam: introduces major new Web Hosting features for musicians
- Glowac+Harris+Madison: Wins 3 International Awards for Television Work
- Midwest Airlines: Take Off. Online.
- Midwest Airlines: Yes, You Have a Choice
- Integré: Wins 5 Public Relations Awards
- TRUST Coalition: Transportation Package Will Keep State’s Economy on Right Track
- Pflow Industries: Nick Passint Appointed Pflow Project Engineer
- Dept. of Commerce: Gov. Doyle Announces Minority Busines Development Loans
- Dept. of Commerce: Secretary Burke Announces Executive Appointment
- WPS Resources: Wisconsin Public Service Files to Apply Kewaunee Decommissioning Fund to Customer Rates
- UW System: Board of Regents selects new leadership
- Merge eFilm: Merge eFilm Changes Name to Merge Healthcare
- Stora Enso: Stora Enso successfully completes Eurobond benchmark issue
- WMC: Medicaid Proposal Addresses Hidden Health Care Tax Omnibus Motion Represents “Honest Budgeting”
- Inacom Information Systems: now offers a Training Availability Partnership (TAP) for non-profit organizations
- Dept.of Commerce: Gov. Doyle Announces Funding for Surfaces Transport, Inc.
- Godfrey & Kahn: Adds New Attorney to Its Litigation Practice
- Alliant Energy: Five Baby Peregrine Falcons Born at Lansing Power Plant
- CUB: Fights WPS Attempt to Steal $127 Million from Ratepayers
- Midwest Airlines: Live on Tour: Kansas City’s Favorite Airline
- WSMB: Soy Powers Mississippi River Tourist Ferry
- Quarles & Brady LLP: Labor and Employment Practice Group Tied For Top Tier L&E Group in Wisconsin in Chambers USA Rankings
- WMC: Job Growth Predicted; Taxes, Regulations Top Concerns
- PIC Wisconsin: Frinzi Promoted to Director of Claims at PIC Wisconsin
- Midwest Air Group: Reports May Performance
- AT&T: wins VoIP deal with Novo 1, Inc.
- Midwest Environmental Advocates: Kick-Off Event Announced to Highlight Unique Multi-Media Art Exhibit Inspired by Wisconsin Farm Women
- QBI Life Sciences: New product from QBI Life Sciences enables research on membrane proteins
- AT&T: Marched Onward in Major Support of Military
- Dept. of Commerce: Governor Doyle Announces $250,000 for Signicast Corporation to Expand Operations in Wisconsin
- OWAA: Outdoor Writers to Offer Half-Day Workshop
- Dept. of Commerce: Governor Doyle Announces Funding for Technology Development Grants
- Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek: Expands Credit Union Practice
- U.S. Bank: Corporate Trust Services Expands Business with Terwin Holdings LLC
- WPS Resources: Consulting Firm Selected to Design Silver Lake Restoration
- WPS Resources: UPPCO Announces Reorganization of Customer Service Functions
- Governor Doyle: Governor Signs SB 78, Requiring Identification for Purchase of Ingredients Used in Production of Methamphetamine
- Parts Now!: Announces LMI Solutions As Their First Authorized Dealer
- DWD: DWD Sends Checks in Settlement in AR Accessories Business Closing Claim
- ABS: Fenton Joins ABS as Global Information Systems Director
- Pacific Cycle: Donates to Fallen Cyclist Fund
- Broadjam: introduces major new Web Hosting features for musicians
- Godfrey & Kahn: Adds New Attorney to Its Environmental and Energy Practice
- Common Sense Coalition: Non-Partisan “Common Sense Coalition” Promises To Be A Centrist Force In Madison And Dane County Government Affairs
- Dept. of Commerce: Governor Doyle Announces Brownfields Project in Plymouth
- UW System: wins $1.3 million federal grant for nursing solutions
- Bone Care International: Announces Patent Issuance
- Wisconsin Technology Council: Alzheimer’s Disease drug developer wins Wisconsin Governor’s Business Plan Contest Grand Prize
- BrandXcellence: The Ugly Truth About Small Business Branding
- Midwest Towel andSupply LLC: Executives Within Paper Industry to Lead Midwest Towel and Supply LLC Plans are to remain in Winneconne
- AT&T: AT&T and Microsoft Announce Global Strategic Agreement to Deliver New Services and Applications to Businesses
- Calpine Corporation: First Phase of Calpine’s 560-Megawatt Fox Energy Center Enters Full Commercial Operation
- U.S. Bank: Introduces Internet Bill Pay Enhancements at usbank.com
- Godfrey & Kahn: Attorney Patricia Falb Selected as a Woman of Distinction in the Field of Law
- Lakes Area Rental: Leann Rodgers attends ARA Legislative Caucus on Capitol Hill
- Office of the Governor: Governor Doyle Signs SB 124, Expanding Use of Tax Incremental Financing
- Suttle Straus: North American Printers Win Awards in Quebec City
- Sajan: brings ‘context’ to Translation Memory
- Godfrey & Kahn: Attorneys, Practice Areas Earn Top Rankings in State
- Alliant Energy: To Receive Award fromInternational Dark-Sky Association
- Broadjam: introduces major new Web Hosting features for musicians
- WPS Health Plan Inc.: Purchases Prevea Health Plan
- Great Lakes Media Technology, Inc.: Appoints Detroit Area Account Manager
- Gov. Doyle: Announces Wisconsin Development Fund Aids Labor Training
- Gov. Doyle: Announces Rural Development Loans
- Marshall & Ilsley Corporation: Dr. Edward Gramlich, Member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, to Speak in Milwaukee on June 7 and 8
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wisconsin: CompareBlue subsidiary to aquire Atrium Health
- Xcel Energy: files rate application to meet continued growth and need for energy reliability
- Merge eFilm: Cedara B-Cad™ Receives FDA 510(K) Clearance
- Air Wisconsin Reports May Traffic
- UW Madison: Green diesel: New process makes liquid transportation fuel from plants
- UW Madison: New technique provides path to manufacturing complex nano-electronic devices
- Associated Banc-Corp: Associated Forms CDC To Invest in Communities; State Financial CEO Mike Falbo To Lead New Subsidiary
- CUB: Joint Finance Committee Cuts Funds for Energy Efficiency
- Merge eFilm & Cedara: Announce Closing of Merger
- AT&T Lands International Networking Deal with Werner Co.
- AT&T: Received Stratecast Partners Award For Managed Security Services
- AT&T: Expands Network Security Portfolio For Enterprises with Protection Against Spam and Spyware
- Democracy For America: To Feature New Documentary Film, WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price
- WPS Resources: Wisconsin Public Service Requests Emissions Control Upgrade at Weston Unit 3
- DWD: Governor announces new grants to grow Wisconsin’s regional economies
- Main Street Coalition: Business Groups Applaud the Governor and Legislature for Accord on Minimum Wage
- We Energies: files for authorization to change natural gas rates
- Godfrey & Kahn: Mourns the Loss of Robert L. Kamholz Jr.
- We Energies: Urges Support for Public Benefits Funding
- Milwaukee Bar Association: Announces 2005 Election Results
- Joy Global Inc.: Withdraws Proposed Private Offering of Convertible Senior Subordinated Notes
- NFIB: Small-Business Conditions Report Shows Continued Improvement