2024-09-16February 26 2010February 25 2010February 24 2010February 23 2010February 22 2010February 19 2010February 18 2010February 17 2010February 16 2010February 15 2010February 12 2010February 11 2010February 10 2010February 09 2010February 08 2010February 05 2010February 04 2010February 03 2010February 02 2010February 01 2010
- WMC: Eight Wisconsin companies receive Manufacturer of the Year awards
- Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service: Fisher-Merritt Family of Food Farm named MOSES Organic Farmer of the Year
- STEP Industries: Receives ISO certification
- Cherney Microbiological Services: Receives ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Accreditation
- Appleton Group Wealth Management: Appleton Group Core Composites were highly rated by Morningstar
- Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek: Attorney Bruce G. Arnold recognized as 2010 Leader in the Law
- St. Croix EDC: Banquet honors top businesses for 2009
- Alliant Energy: PowerHouse TV episodes now available online
- Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters: Academy Evenings presenter discusses the future of biofuels
- MRPC: Riemer named president of medical device manufacturer MRPC
- UW-Stevens Point: UWSP students embark on prestigious internships in Germany
- Burger Boat Company: 2010 Rendezvous
- We Energies: Praises Wisconsin Assembly for passage of AB 600
- USDA: No-down-payment home loans to build or purchase available at USDA Rural Development
- UW-Madison: Novel compound found effective against avian influenza virus
- Clean Wisconsin: Wisconsinites demonstrate overwhelming support for Clean Energy Jobs Act despite misinformation campaign of opponents
- Dept. of Workforce Development: Secretary Gassman: Southwest Wisconsin poised for growth under Governor Doyle’s agenda to put Wisconsin back to work
- MacIver Institute: Stimulus funds spent on insurance, utility bills
- WMC: Urges passage of prescription drug price reform; lower price drugs help control health care costs
- MGE Energy: Reports fourth-quarter earnings
- Summit Credit Union: Kicks off second ‘Project Money’ to help people achieve financial goals
- UW-Madison: New process yields high-energy-density plant-based transportation fuel
- UW-Madison: Physicists build basic quantum computing circuit
- Greater State Street Business Association: Cars on State 2010 – Classic car show set for May 8
- Stevens Point Brewery: 2012 Black Ale — A mysterious new brew
- First Business Capital Corp.: Promotes Ryan Jahns and Bridget Persch
- Mid-America Council of the Institute of Management Accountants: To host conference in Waukesha
- Silver Spring Foods: Manufactures kosher horseradish products for Passover
- 2010 Census: Visits American Birkebeiner with “be counted” message
- Midwest Food Processors: Urge adoption of tax credit
- ASPPA: Corbett & Fiene earn ASPPA credential
- Vibrant Graphics: Supplies labels for big-name conference
- USDA: Agriculture Secretary Vilsack announces $4 million in Recovery Act funding for business development projects in rural areas
- UW-Stevens Point: Research summit to be held at Treehaven
- Rep. Hintz: To introduce Small Business Jobs Investment Act
- Dept. of Commerce: Governor Doyle announces Romo, Inc. project to create 21 jobs
- Wis. Counties Association: AB 605 will help state reach top priority of job creation
- U.S. Sen. Feingold: Presses transportation secretary on high speed rail jobs for Wisconsin, deficit reduction
- Madison Development Corporation: Loans help create 110 new jobs
- DATCP: Gypsy moth treatments proposed for 20 counties, public meetings set
- Dane County Foreclosure Prevention Taskforce: Free workshop for homeowners, “Planning for difficult times – tools to manage your mortgage”
- RACVB: Old Man Winter warms his spirit with Rockford region events
- Advance: 8th annual Northeastern Wisconsin Global Trade Conference set for March 30
- Gov. Doyle: Announces winners of the Governor’s Worksite Wellness Award
- CPM Marketing Group: Boosts variable data printing capabilities with purchase of robust digital production press
- UW-Madison: Wisconsin’s organic farmers are largely weathering the economic storm
- Hippenmeyer, Reilly, Moodie and Blum: Shorewest Realtors sued
- UW-Madison: Major changes shape Morgridge Center present, future
- UW-Madison: Decades on, UW-Madison research park thrives, plans for growth
- AG Van Hollen: Milwaukee business owner and business corporation sentenced for Medicaid fraud
- Naviant Inc.: Hires to keep up with demand
- DHS: Free webinar training program for Wisconsin businesses March 4, 2010
- Sendik’s Food Market: New Sendik’s store will open in New Berlin
- CREWE: Clean Energy Jobs Act will add $1.4 billion to gross state product
- Wisconsin Dental Association: Welcomes PEW Center on the States’ review of children’s dental health
- Platypus Technologies LLC: New Oris Collagen I Cell Invasion Assay
- MMAC: Get connected to upcoming events
- Tabby & Jack’s: Opens a 2nd location
- Good for Business: Madison’s first ‘B’ Corporation
- Black-Haak Heating Inc.: Honored by Enertech Inc for promoting GeoComfort geothermal systems
- Wisconsin Towns Association: Memo to legislators re: Working lands initiative and conversion fee
- WPRI: Stark contrast found between pensions in public and private sectors
- WMC: Jobs, taxes and spending dominate Wisconsin voter concerns
- AROW, SWANA, WCSWMA: Recycling and resource management conference brings together over 300 industry professionals and state legislators
- AROW: State recycling association recognizes legislator’s leadership
- Carbon-Free, Nuclear-Free Wisconsin Coalition: Strong grassroots opposition to nuclear provisions in state climate bill
- Dept. of Commerce: National Entrepreneurship Week 2010 plans underway
- Gov. Doyle: Announces $11.5 million for low-income heating assistance
- USDA: Agriculture Secretary Vilsack announces $140 million for 14 community facilities projects in rural areas
- The Cheese Lady: A ton of cheese carving featured at local Hy-Vee
- Greater Milwaukee Association of REALTORS: Caution that Case-Shiller index does not include Milwaukee
- Wisconsin Bankers Association: Most Wisconsin banks remain profitable despite weak economy
- Summit Credit Union, State Central Credit Union: Announce merger
- WCA Group Health Trust: Announces re-appointments to board
- Boardman Suhr Curry & Field: Boardman attorney named a “Leader in the Law” by the Wisconsin Law Journal
- UW-Madison: Pecatonica River provides scientific basis for future restoration projects
- The Nature Conservancy, Alliant Energy Foundation: To demonstrate prairie power in southwest Wisconsin
- First Business Bank: Tim McKeag joins First Business Bank
- MillerCoors: Employees help donate $1.6 million to United Way
- UW-Stevens Point: UWSP spring colloquium series features paper mill representatives
- Wisconsin Conference of The United Methodist Church: Flood recovery program reaches out to help Wisconsinites
- UW-Stevens Point: Wisconsin Aquaculture Conference to be held in Eau Claire
- UW-Madison: Virus hybridization could create pandemic bird flu
- Fabric Gallery of Oconomowoc: Grand re-opening — dress up your home
- Central Machine of Waukesha: New equipment purchased
- UW-Eau Claire: Supervisory management workshops to be offered
- Better Business Bureau: New credit card regulations kick in today; BBB explains what it means to you
- Pewaukee Chamber of Commerce: Monthly luncheon meeting — “Naked Marketing – The Bare Essentials”
- UW-Madison: Communication conference to feature multidisciplinary research
- RedPrairie: To be acquired by New Mountain Capital
- UW-Madison: Engineer joins National Academy
- The Milwaukee Press Club: Newsmaker Luncheon to feature Milwaukee’s new archbishop
- The Milwaukee Press Club: Nationally syndicated columnist Leonard Pitts Jr. named Milwaukee Press Club’s 2010 Sacred Cat honoree
- AG Van Hollen: Waukesha developer settles state environmental lawsuit over construction site violations for $240,000
- ActionCOACH: Business coaching to help Milwaukee non-profit weather the economic storm through global initiative
- AG Van Hollen: Charges Going Places Travel with violating Wisconsin consumer protection laws
- AG Van Hollen: Renews efforts to stop Asian carp
- Appleton Mfg Division: Upgrade your existing core cutter with Appleton Mfg Division’s automation solutions
- The Cornucopia Institute: Corporate baking giant Sara Lee hijacks organics
- Boelter + Lincoln: Named lead marketing agency for Ministry Health Care
- U.S. EPA: Administrator Jackson unveils Great Lakes Restoration Initiative action plan
- Wisconsin Farmers Union: Calls for DNR secretary veto override
- DeWitt Ross & Stevens: Meiners joins DeWitt Ross & Stevens law firm
- UW-Madison: Local executive receives marketing professional certification
- Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design: Levatich, Marcus, Mortara, Schwebel, Strauss, Wilson join MIAD Board of Trustees
- UW-Madison: Virus hybridization could create pandemic bird flu
- St. Norbert College: CEO Breakfast Series speakers for March
- Madison Fishing Expo: Plans to give current and retired military free admission to show
- UW-Whitewater: Speaker offers innovation tips for success in a global economy
- Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation: Celebrates Food Check-Out Week, Feb. 21-27
- AG Van Hollen: Waste hauler sentenced to 30 days in jail
- Gov. Doyle: Announces $300,000 for expansion project at Walter USA
- Gov. Doyle: Announces $370,000 loan to Minitube of Verona to create 136 new jobs
- Alliant Energy: To issue gas credits totaling $4.5 million beginning in March
- Gov. Doyle: Announces $1.5 Million loan to help Logistics Health create 290 new jobs
- Greater Madison Convention & Visitors Bureau: 2000 to attend Midwest Bisexual, Lesbian, Gay, Transgender Ally College Conference
- Nation Consulting: Continues to lead in fundraising for Fight for Air Climb
- WisDOT: Conditions nearing for end of state’s frozen road declaration
- Wisconsin FFA Alumni: Convention held
- CREWE: Clean Energy Jobs Act will create more than 16,000 jobs
- Batzner Pest Management: Adds two Associate Certified Entomologists
- Waukesha Water Utility: To hold open house on water supply issues
- The Victory Companies: 3 for 3 – All three of the Victory Companies Inc. distinct brands earn top 25 single-family home builder rankings
- UW-Madison College of Engineering: Beyond boundaries: Integrating engineering and biology
- UW-Whitewater: Conference prepares students to trade in backpacks for briefcases
- UW-Whitewater: Nominations sought for third annual Whitewater Environmental Achievement Awards
- Access Wisconsin: Federal grant brings fiber optic broadband to 380 Wisconsin communities
- Gov. Doyle: Announces $310,000 brownfields grant to Dermatology Associates of Manitowoc
- Dept. of Public Instruction: ARRA broadband grant brings exciting opportunities
- Gov. Doyle: Doyle, U.S. Commerce official announce nearly $29 million for broadband investments
- State Treasurer: Takes unclaimed Property Outreach Tour to southwestern Wisconsin
- U.S. DOT: Secretary LaHood announces grant to improve Appleton’s air service
- WMC: Job-creators, opinion leaders oppose global warming bill
- WMC: Judges announced for Wisconsin manufacturer of the year awards
- Wired Wisconsin: Broadband internet access growing in Wisconsin
- Rep. Hintz: Statement on passage of the Responsible Lending Act
- Baird Private Equity: Promotes four
- MMAC: Sick leave lawsuit heads to Supreme Court
- Northwestern Mutual: Ranks first in customer satisfaction
- UW-Madison: Demand for local food challenges distribution systems, report finds
- USDA Rural Development, Wisconsin: Winneconne water project selected for USDA Rural Development funding
- ActionCOACH of Elm Grove: Honored for performance at ActionCOACH’s 2010 Americas Regional Conference
- CREWE: Lauds president’s support of nuclear energy
- BioPharmaceutical Technology Center Institute: Annual stem cell symposium to focus on key hurdles in stem cell therapy development
- Chippewa County Economic Development Corporation: Upcoming events
- Greater Madison Convention & Visitors Bureau: Announces promotions
- CREWE: Time to modify Clean Energy Jobs Act
- DCI Cheese Company: Organic Creamery introduces organic American cheese slices
- Center for Climate Strategies: Macroeconomic analysis of Wisconsin climate & energy actions
- White House: Recovery Act creating jobs and driving economic growth in Wisconsin
- UW-Extension, UW Colleges: UW-Fox Valley to host sustainable community development forum
- Wisconsin Eco-Potato partnership: You shouldn’t have to pay more for eco-friendly produce
- AG Van Hollen: Potential pitfalls of apparent windfalls
- WMC: Wisconsin’s global warming legislation and its economic impact
- Boardman Law Firm: Announces new associate
- UW-Stevens Point: UWSP researchers at congressional briefing in Washington February 23
- The Ad Diner: Offers affordable small business advertising with ready-to-use ads
- DOT: New TowPlows undergoing testing in Wisconsin
- Association of Fundraising Professionals – Greater Madison Chapter: Announces new board
- Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corp.: Classes scheduled for March and April
- AG Van Hollen: Oconto Falls company settles state lawsuit over air pollution violations for $85,000
- Dairy Business Association: Siting Law keeps dairy farms in Wisconsin
- Dane Co. Exec. Falk: Dane County helps Remington re-locate Illinois operation to DeForest
- Gov. Doyle: Highlights success of recovery act in Wisconsin on 1st anniversary
- RENEW: Letter to Sen. Miller, Rep. Black on advanced renewable tariff provisions of Clean Energy Jobs Act legislation
- Wisconsin Bio Industry Alliance: Working to increase flex fuel pumps
- Wisconsin Deferred Deposit Association: Disappointed in Assembly action
- WISPIRG: Assembly protects Wisconsin kids from toxic chemical, BPA
- St. Norbert College: To offer non-credit language courses for adults
- White House: Transportation Secretary LaHood announces funding for over 50 innovative, strategic transportation projects through landmark competitive TIGER program
- SERRV: Fair trade catalog features Haiti front and center
- Children’s Hospital and Health System: Mary Sisney named Strategic planning and management director at Children’s Hospital and Health System
- Dept. of Commerce: Governor Doyle, Mayor Barrett welcome Ingeteam wind manufacturing facility to Milwaukee
- UW-Madison: Book by journalism professor traces birth of forensic science in jazz age New York
- Forbes, Northwestern Mutual: Announce partnership bringing new section to Forbes.com
- U.S. Bancorp: U.S. Bank shines in 2009 American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI)
- UW-Madison: Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation names CFO/COO
- Valicom: Madison telecom expense management firm launches new SaaS solution and industry blog
- Naviant Group: Naviant Group leans out … in a good way
- Miron Construction: Honored for construction of Hyland Hall
- Case New Holland: Ex-Im Bank Chairman Hochberg tours Case New Holland plant in Racine
- Barry Callen: Get the inside scoop on marketing, advertising and publicity
- T. Wall Properties: Governor Jim Doyle awards T. Wall Properties for excellence in energy efficiency
- New Glarus Brewing Company: Back by popular demand – New Glarus Brewing Company’s Unplugged Cherry Stout
- Dept. of Commerce: Governor Doyle announces funding for planning improvements in Land O’ Lakes
- Fireside Hearth & Home: Ron Dayne to make an appearance at MABA Home Products Show
- Cabin and Lakefront Living Show: Announcing new show for Milwaukee area
- DCI Cheese Company: Unveils Joan of Arc® “Taste of Paris” recipe contest
- New North: Helps deliver new wind plant for Wisconsin
- Frontier Airlines: Announces intro fares for new Madison service
- UW-Stevens Point: Changes coming to the new School of Business and Economics at UWSP
- Fire Facilities Inc.: Expands sales force
- UW-Madison: Panel seeks suppliers for new Charter Street heating plant
- Growth & Contribution Network of Milwaukee: “Results 2010” seminar to benefit charity
- Commercial Law League of America: Spring meeting and national convention kicks off on April 29, 2010
- AG Van Hollen: Consumer alert – Phishing scams involving “government” emails
- UW-Madison: Fruit tree sprayer wins UW-Madison innovation competition
- MMAC: Get connected to upcoming events
- U.S. Rep. Baldwin: Imports experts to boost exports
- UW-Madison: Not-so-risky business — new computational models will offer decision support
- UW-Whitewater: Warhawk Business Plan Competition submissions due Wednesday
- UW-Madison: Induced neural stem cells – Not quite ready for prime time
- Coalition for Clean, Responsible Energy for Wisconsin’s Economy: Wisconsin ‘green’ economy lands new wind company
- Clean Wisconsin: Hundreds of wind power jobs coming to Wisconsin as U.S. Faces growing competition from China
- Marian University: Appoints new president
- UW-Stevens Point: Spring colloquium series on renewable wood resources for energy continues
- Better Business Bureau: Don’t let the love bug blur you judgment this Valentine’s Day, warns BBB
- JG Development Inc.: Chosen to take part in Design MMOCA 2010
- AG Van Hollen: Adams County man to pay $5,000 fine for improper water pump work
- Savant Capital Management: To present next generation of tax management at American Association of Individual Investors Madison chapter
- UW-Stevens Point: Construction law workshop offers credits for dwelling contractor certification
- AG Van Hollen: Judge signs final order and judgment in law school’s and state’s class action lawsuit against payday loan company for violations of the Wisconsin Consumer Act
- First Business Capital Corp.: Hires Kurts Strelnieks and Brian Benz
- AG Van Hollen: Resolved to continue carp fight
- AG Van Hollen: Wisconsin borrowers to receive restitution from Countrywide; other settlement money continues to be used towards mediation programs
- UWM: Engineer creates software that predicts stem cell fate
- GMCC: Announces Dane County Board candidate endorsements
- Dept. of Revenue: Wisconsin Economic Outlook released; job growth expected to pick up later in 2010
- Wisconsin Academy: “Stitched Ground: Four Artists Embroider the Land” opens at the James Watrous Gallery
- Thrive: Announces additional grant funding to bring more Wisconsin businesses to BIO 2010
- Wisconsin Realtors’ Association: Home sales rally in the fourth quarter to keep Wisconsin housing market stable
- AG Van Hollen: Announces pharmaceutical settlement
- WMEP: Strategies to power growth are focus of March 3 presentation in Racine
- Greater Milwaukee Association of REALTORS: Metro home sales up 2.4% for January 2010
- UW-Stevens Point: UWSP Adventure Tours celebrate 25 years
- Wisconsin Farm Center: Announces Future Fields program
- Gov. Doyle: Announces funding for Promentis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
- Summit Credit Union: Announces winner of ‘Project Money’ competition
- Sears: Once again supports U.S. military veterans by teaming up with AMVETS for “Operation Blanket”
- Gov. Doyle: Announces Wisconsin leads nation in organic farming
- Gov. Doyle: Announces funding for water system updates in Clark County
- Widen Enterprises: Named gold sponsor of Createasphere Digital Asset Management Conference February 17-18, 2010
- PSC, OCR: Offices closed February 15, 2010
- Naviant Inc.: Awarded Platinum and Diamond honors from Hyland Software
- Dane County: Seminar aims to jumpstart small business development, create jobs
- UW-Madison: Morgridge Institute for Research announces scientific leadership team, research areas
- RACVB: Old Man Winter needs your help planning the perfect romantic getaway
- RedPrairie: Avnet Logistics achieves successful RedPrairie Warehouse Management implementation
- AG Van Hollen: Smishing: phishing by cell phone texts
- Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren: Reinhart attorney Huff nominated as a BTI Client Service All-Star
- ActionCOACH of Elm Grove: Names Terri Demos director of operations and Judi Murphy vice president, strategic alliances
- UWM: Meltwater house on display at NARI Feb. 11-14
- U.S. Bank: Expansion creates 60 new jobs at its Brookfield facility
- M&I Bank: Recognized as one of the nation’s best banks for middle market businesses
- The Rainbird Foundation: Takes a stand for the end of child abuse
- Commercial Deer and Elk Farmers Assoc: Awards announced
- Dairy Business Innovation Center: Honors two Wisconsin dairy companies
- Gov. Doyle: Announces new supporters of ’25×25′ clean energy goal
- Office of the Commissioner of Insurance: Think flood insurance
- Wisconsin Association of Health Plans: Statement in support of SA 1 to AB 614, promoting health care cost transparency
- DATCP: ADD grants available to create new opportunities in Wisconsin agriculture
- UW-Madison: Trip to Las Vegas is ‘On, Wisconsin!’ YouTube contest prize
- UW-Madison: Competition set for 100-hour Wiscontrepreneur Challenge
- UW-Madison: People and Programs campaign a big winner for School of Pharmacy
- UW-Madison: Location technology homes in on where stuff, people are
- Good Harvest Market: To close Milwaukee store
- Environmental Systems Inc.: ESI’s Miazga chairs ICSC CenterBuild Conference sub-committee
- Madison Children’s Museum: New logo reflects excitement about new building
- UW-Stevens Point: Zach receives National Science Foundation CAREER award for nanotechnology research
- MMAC: December economic trends
- Clifton Gunderson: Middleton office adds new staff
- DCI Cheese Company: Spurred by growth, DCI Cheese Company increases staff
- Milwaukee Bucks husband and wife team featured on E! True Hollywood Stories
- Foley & Lardner: Expands environmental practice with addition of former Michigan Department of Environmental Quality director
- New Glarus Brewery: Embrace the Frozen Tundra with New Glarus Brewing Company’s ‘Road Slush Oatmeal Stout’
- Wisconsin Farmers Union: 2010 WFU Convention: “Family Farms: The Real Deal”
- Better Business Bureau: Nearing Valentine’s Day, online dating services pose not-so-attractive threat
- ABC for Health: Getting back to basics with health reform
- Children’s Hospital and Health System: Launches Wisconsin’s Children’s Advocacy Network
- Dept. of Commerce: Governor Doyle announces funding for municipal building in Osseo
- PSC: Wisconsin utilities and businesses win under Governor Doyle’s Clean Energy Jobs Act
- SERTA: Continues to persue federal funds for Milwaukee-Kenosha-Racine commuter rail connection
- U.S. Rep. Baldwin: Cracking down on credit card companies
- UW-Stevens Point: Chemistry faculty members secure two prestigious National Science Foundation grants
- WIEG: Response to AB 649/SB 450
- Greater Beloit Chamber of Commerce: GBCC’s annual dinner theme inspired by Vulcan logic
- BioForward: BioForward, the state biotechnology association announces 2010 executive committee
- HealthPartners: Minnesota/Wisconsin business survey: Affordable health care greatest obstacle to expansion
- Summit Credit Union: Donates $10,000 to support relief efforts in Haiti
- UW-Eau Claire: ‘The Essentials’ business administration certificate courses to be offered
- UW-Madison: Computer team gets honorable mention in world finals
- United Way of Dane County: Nominate your business for a community volunteer award
- UW-Madison: Student inventions featured in Innovation Days
- Alliant Energy: Helps customers be “power thinkers”
- DATCP: Boscobel horse seller pays penalty for forging animal health documents
- Hyler Communications: Wisconsin Consumer Product Showcase set for May 6 in Glendale
- Pewaukee Chamber of Commerce: Welcomes new members
- PSC: Wisconsin utilities and businesses win under Governor Doyle’s Clean Energy Jobs Act
- Nehlsen Communications: Social media marketing – it’s not just retail, anymore
- Quincy Bioscience: Partners with nationally syndicated radio host John Tesh
- Greater Madison Convention & Visitors Bureau: Antiques Roadshow Madison viewing dates
- Red Mango: Award-winning frozen yogurt retailer Red Mango to officially open first Wisconsin store in Madison with free fro-yo February 13
- Greater Madison Convention & Visitors Bureau: Spend a romantic weekend in Madison!
- Stateline World Trade Association: SLWTA Presents – Foreign Trade Zones & RFD updates with Marge Bevers
- Dept. of Commerce: Governor Doyle announces funding for infrastructure improvements in Shawano County
- Gov. Doyle: Signs Recovery Zone Bond bill
- St. Croix EDC: Comedian will headline SCEDC awards banquet
- UW-Madison: New UW-Madison agronomist leads international corn-breeding project
- First Business Financial Services Inc.: Promotes Joni Ciula and Brian Spielmann
- Wisconsin Academy: Discussion on race and shifting demographics at a special Academy Evenings event on February 16
- WSC, MWFPA: Food processors conference addresses safety
- CustomCall Data Systems, Concretio.com: Companies announce the completion of their merger
- Wisconsin Academy: Welcomes four new council members
- China Wi-Max Communications Inc.: Wisconsin’s Stephen Heins named director of communication for China Wi-Max, Inc.
- Independent Business Association of Wisconsin: Feb. 19 event – The looming crisis at Milwaukee Public Schools
- Summit Credit Union: Offers three free mortgage seminars
- BTC Institute, Promega Corp.: 9th Annual International Bioethics Forum — “Taking the measure of the magic mirror: Toward a science of consciousness”
- GWC Technologies: Label-free peptide arrays for efficient antibody analysis
- Sajan: Announces new corporate website
- UW-Whitewater: Foundation receives real estate gift for university housing
- SVA: To help bring process improvement into the office environment!
- Wisconsin Health Information Organization: Elects Larry Rambo as chairman
- Parts Now!: Techs retool for today’s printer technology
- Dairy Business Association: Elects new leadership
- Gov. Doyle: Discusses plans to create jobs, grow the economy in visit to Eau Claire
- LAB: Audit opinion: University of Wisconsin System’s financial statements
- VJS Construction Services: Announces Robert Dennik appinted Wisconsin Government Relations Committee chair for International Council of Shopping Centers, Inc.
- Dane County: Frontier Airlines to serve Madison
- DATCP: Specialty crop block grant applications are due April 1, 2010
- Better Business Bureau: Alert – Wisconsin couple loses $19K in telephone scam
- St. Croix EDC: 10-county branding session set for February 22nd in Baldwin
- UW-Madison: Office of Student Financial Aid prepares for direct lending
- UW-Madison: Stem cells – science, economy edge religion at the polls
- Wisconsin Credit Union League: Direct deposit, free-filing options can save taxpayers time and money
- NDIA, NCMA, WPI: Feb. 11 event — Developing Energy Technologies in the Great Lakes Region
- Wisconsin Leadership Seminar: Sampling for a good cause
- Dept. of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection: Alice in Dairyland encourages residents to “spend 10 in 2010”
- Dept. of Workforce Development: New prevailing wage law now in effect, payroll reports due this week
- Rep. Roth: Introduces ski industry support legislation
- UW System: Winner of the Alliant Energy/Erroll B. Davis Jr. Achievement Award announced
- MMAC: Rail service gets a boost
- ALL Fuels & Energy: ALL Fuels agrees to Valero’s offer of $100 million to sell the Renew Energy ethanol plant in Jefferson, Wisconsin. Valero then says “ no deal”
- Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren: Reinhart welcomes two experienced attorneys to the law firm
- Trachte Building Systems, Inc.: Acquires Tech-Fast brand
- Wisconsin Tech Council, Forward Wisconsin: UW-Madison delegation part of state group at 2010 BIO International show in Chicago
- Thrive: Brad Elmer hired as project director
- WMC: Gov hopefuls Barrett, Walker address Biz Day in Madison
- Wisconsin Dental Association: Wisconsin dentists donating $719,000 in care to 6,250 children for Give Kids A Smile
- Sen. Schultz: 4-year degrees at UW Colleges — student and taxpayer friendly
- UW-Madison: Event examines entrepreneurial models based on social and economic change
- Jacobson Rost: Award-winning creative director Tom Gorton joins independent marketing communications firm Jacobson Rost
- Edgewood College: Hosts business panel on the state of the Madison regional economy
- Miron Construction: Oelerich to lead business development efforts for Miron Construction’s Madison office
- Alliance Federated Energy: Announces renewable energy project in Wisconsin
- Madison Area Builders Association: Free admission, hundreds of exhibitors at March Home Products Show
- Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren: Reinhart attorney Hansen 2010 Leader in the Law honoree
- Wipfli LLP: Joins PKF North America
- AG Van Hollen: Curtis and Renee Christensen to pay $10,000 for violations of animal health regulations
- PosiPair: Wisconsin Department of Commerce certifies PosiPair as a qualified new business venture
- Arts Wisconsin: Arts Day 2010 – Support arts and arts education opportunities for everyone, everywhere in Wisconsin
- UW-Stevens Point: UWSP fisheries expert to offer congressional testimony on Asian carp and the Great Lakes
- UW-Eau Claire: College of Business dean to retire in July
- Department of Children and Families: Secretary Reggie Bicha announces child care quality rating system
- Bartelt. The Remodeling Resource: Receives “Gold” at 2010 NARI Wisconsin Remodeler of the Year Awards
- Clean Wisconsin: New report turns up heat on mercury thermostat manufacturers
- Orion Energy Systems Inc.: Announces fiscal 2010 third quarter results
- Gov. Doyle: Discusses plans to create jobs, grow the economy in visit to La Crosse
- Midwest Food Processors Association: Agri-processing initiative positive news for Wisconsin food processors
- Wisconsin Restaurant Association: Cities seek to include a host of new items under the heading “property tax”
- UW-Madison: Report estimates bicycling’s economic and health potential in Wisconsin
- UW-Whitewater: UW-Whitewater, Milwaukee 7 Water Council to hold brainstorming event
- DATCP: Location of February 18 livestock siting listening session moved to Dodgeville
- Dept. of Commerce: Workshop offered for writing competitive federal technology grant proposals
- Dept. of Commerce: Federal funding for broadband deployment now available
- Wisconsin Energy Conservation Corporation: Appoints Monica Curtis as director of planning, research, and analysis
- Valicom: Announces North American launch of telecom expense management software Clearview
- UW-Eau Claire: Professional development series for sign language interpreters offered
- Miles Kimball Company: Updike named president of Miles Kimball Company
- UW-Madison: Seminars will make teachers climate-change ambassadors
- UW-Madison: Students use computing skills to hasten Haiti relief efforts
- Focus on Energy: T. Wall Properties focus on energy management
- Pewaukee Chamber of Commerce: February luncheon announced
- UW-Madison: NIH approves Wisconsin H1 stem-cell line for continued use in federally funded research
- Dept. of Commerce: Governor Doyle awards tax credits to NELA
- ActionCOACH of Elm Grove: Announces “Building a Referral-Based Business” workshop
- WMEP: Growth, new markets for manufacturers are focus of Feb. 18 presentation in Stevens Point
- Wangard Partners: High Pointe Office Center named Wisconsin’s highest-ranking ENERGY Star certified office building
- CUNA Mutual Foundation: Renews $260,000 in local grants
- Manpower Inc.: Launches MyPath.com, a community-driven career management social network that helps professionals improve skills and plan career journey
- Community Shares of Wisconsin: Adds 14 new member groups
- Rep. Hintz: State Assembly passes carbon monoxide detector bill
- Burger Boat Company: SYCARA IV named a finalist for the Boat International World Superyacht Awards 2010
- Waukesha Water Utility: Waukesha to present water alternatives
- Cher-Make Sausage Co.: New label design has Cher-Make looking to the next generation
- Bank Mutual Corp.: Announces quarterly cash dividend
- Greater Madison Convention and Visitors Bureau: Madison area business leaders gather to kick off 2010
- Foley & Lardner: Foley & Lardner honored for 2010 BTI Client Service All-Stars
- Associated Builders and Contractors: Contractors group file suit; implementation of wage law goes too far
- AFL-CIO: Announces a new Good Jobs Agenda
- Greater Milwaukee Commitee: President Taylor response to Doyle’s recent transit announcements
- Rep. Mason: Announces Wisconsin Sustainable Jobs Act
- Wisconsin Council on Children & Families: Moving toward health outcome equity in Wisconsin