2025-02-13January 29 2010January 28 2010January 27 2010January 26 2010January 25 2010January 22 2010January 21 2010January 20 2010January 19 2010January 15 2010January 14 2010January 13 2010January 12 2010January 11 2010January 08 2010January 07 2010January 06 2010January 05 2010January 04 2010
- First Business Financial Services, Inc.: Economic Survey Reveals Northeast Wisc. Businesses Led Dane & Milwaukee/Waukesha Counties in 2009
- Wisconsin Business Council: Legislature praised for fast action on bill to facilitate Recovery Zone Bonds
- UW-Madison: New study rejects mortality-privatization link
- Wisconsin Technology Council: Here are seven lucky reasons to enter 2010 Governor’s Business Plan Contest
- UW-Madison: Law students to help with foreclosure mediation
- Department of Commerce: Wins trade magazine’s CiCi Award
- White House: President Obama, Vice President Biden to announce $8 billion for high-speed rail projects across the country
- TDS: Confusing world of VoIP – do you get it?
- ActionCOACH of Elm Grove: Jim Palzewicz honored at ActionCOACH’s 2010 Americas Regional Conference
- RACVB: Old Man Winter gets his groove back in Rockford, IL
- Transportation Development Association: Applauds high-speed rail funding
- Northwestern Mutual: Reports growth in dividends and continued financial strength in 2009
- UW-Madison: Property tax credits offer inefficient tax relief, study says
- Helicopter Specialties Inc.: Rock County business expands in 2009-10
- Right Management: Right Management, a Manpower company, cites employer wellness programs as a building block for competitive advantage during the economic recovery
- WisPolitics.com/WisBusiness.com: “The Future of SE Wisconsin Transportation and Its Busiest Interchange”
- Gov. Doyle: Announces $823 million for passenger rail in Wisconsin, will create thousands of jobs
- Clean Wisconsin: Osceola gets education on energy efficiency
- Gov. Doyle: Announces NELA Ternes Register Group to move operations to Wisconsin
- UW-Stevens Point: North to retire as UWSP dean
- Wisconsin Eco-Potato Partnership: Wisconsin whole-farm potato growers make strides in conservation and sustainability
- Exact Sciences Corp.: Statement regarding Gov. Doyle’s State of the State Address.
- UW-Stevens Point: Announces spring colloquium series
- New North Inc.: Statement on Gov. Doyle’s State of the State Address
- WBIA: Governor Doyle renews commitment to production of biofuels
- Innovation Applied: Hackbarth partners with Innovation Applied
- Widen Enterprises: Eight new digital asset management clients in Q4 2009 boost Widen’s growth
- Wisconsin Society of Anesthesiologists Inc.: Rep. Pasch’s bill aims to prevent anesthesia-related tragedies
- First Business Bank: Brian Hagen joins First Business Bank
- Milwaukee Women Inc: Commends seven Wisconsin companies for national recognition of initiatives that support and advance women in business
- Greater Madison Convention & Visitors Bureau: Madison area business leaders gather to kick-off 2010
- UW-Whitewater: Student marketing organization a case competition finalist for sixth straight year
- Clifton Gunderson: Presents a free webinar series – “M&A Today: Financial Reporting and Tax Implications”
- Center on Wisconsin Strategy: Jobs continue to slide, unemployment up
- Clean Wisconsin: Supporters light up capitol at Clean Energy Jobs Act hearings
- Dairy Business Association: Commends governor for fighting for state’s dairy industry
- Dane County Foreclosure Prevention Taskforce: WARNING to homeowners – Avoid loan modification scams
- Dept. of Workforce Development: December local unemployment rates announced
- Dept. of Workforce Development: Secretary Gassman: Wisconsin poised to expand under Governor Doyle’s agenda for job growth, clean energy, advanced manufacturing
- Energy Performance Specialists: Thank governor for clean energy jobs
- Gov. Doyle: $2.3 million grant to assist General Motors, other displaced auto workers in south central Wisconsin
- Wisconsin Council on Children and Families: Reaction to State of the State address: An appropriate focus on jobs and budget crunch
- Talk About Curing Autism: Announces conference
- Gov. Doyle: State of the State address will focus on jobs and the economy
- Supporting Families Together Association: Supports child care quality rating system
- UW-Whitewater: CESA 2 to lease space in Whitewater University Technology Park
- WISPIRG: Senate and Assembly Consumer Protection Committee will vote on BPA Free Kids Act
- Greater Madison Convention & Visitors Bureau: Spend a romantic weekend in Madison
- Badger Association: Badger Association and The Center for Blind and Visually Impaired Children merge to create lifelong opportunities for people with visual impairments
- Wisconsin Forward Award: Tommy G. Thompson kicks off Wisconsin Forward Award conference with keynote address
- UW-Eau Claire: New financial management series to be offered
- St. Croix EDC: Ken Heiser named recipient of Directors Award
- Summit Credit Union: “Gives More Back” to local United Way and Community Shares of Wisconsin
- MMAC: Get connected to upcoming February events
- UW-Madison: Federal grant funds production of stem cells for clinical trials
- RedPrairie: Blockbuster rolls out RedPrairie Execution Management to integrate with existing Enterprise Workforce Management solution
- Advocates for Creating Renewable Energy: Business leaders demonstrate support for Clean Energy Jobs Act, denounce WMC ads
- Dept. of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection: Deadline is nearing For nominations to Dog Sellers Advisory Committee
- Manpower Inc.: Participates in 40th World Economic Forum annual meeting
- TDS Telecom: Receives nearly $3.9M in stimulus funds to expand broadband access in Alabama
- Kmotion Media: Wins Gold American Design Award (ADA) for design excellence
- MMAC: Future of Zoo Interchange to be discussed
- Northwestern Mutual: Four Milwaukee area residents receive Northwestern Mutual Regional Leader Awards
- American Society for Quality: ASQ/Harris survey shows mixed reviews for science teachers
- Commercial Law League of America: Midwestern meeting and national convention kicks off on April 29
- AG Van Hollen: Settles Ticketmaster- Live Nation concerns
- Milwaukee Co. Exec. Walker: Announces a record December and fouth quarter for General Mitchell International Airport
- Transportation Development Association: Business leaders call for more transit
- UW-Stevens Point: Closer to finding its 14th chancellor
- DHS: Parkers Farm products recalled because of possible health risk due to Listeria monocytogenes bacteria
- Batzner Pest Management: Local pest control expert wins national award
- MMAC: Get connected to upcoming 2010 events
- Waukesha Water Utility: To present draft application for Great Lakes water at January 28 public meeting
- Erikʼs Bike and Board: Enters the Madison alpine ski market
- Talk About Curing Autism: Announces meeting
- Dane County: Awarded Recovery Zone bonds to help local businesses create jobs
- Wisconsin Tech Council, Forward Wisconsin: Companies can seek grants, scholarships to attend 2010 BIO show in Chicago
- Orion Energy Systems: Gubernatorial candidate Walker visits Orion Energy Systems; addresses innovation, job creation
- Midwest Food Processors: Find positive signs in WI 2010 agriculture statistics
- MMAC: Business Outlook Survey, first quarter 2010
- DATCP: Public invited to comment on livestock siting rule; four listening sessions scheduled
- AG Van Hollen: Sues to challenge Dean-Foremost plant acquisition
- Manpower Inc.: Chairman and CEO Jeff Joerres appointed to Chicago Fed Board of Directors
- Sheboygan County Economic Development Corporation: Director chosen for newly formed Sheboygan County Economic Development Corporation
- Appleton Mfg Division: Affordable core cutting solutions from Appleton Mfg Division
- Orion Energy Systems: Gubernatorial candidate Walker to visit, tour Orion Energy Systems’ facilities
- Transportation Development Association: Business leaders call for more transit in SE Wisconsin
- DOT: Governor Doyle approves $1.7 million for rural transit projects
- Wisconsin Technology Council: Economic stimulus bill in Legislature is topic at Jan. 26 WIN-Madison meeting
- DOT: Governor Doyle approves $965,185 for specialized public transportation
- Land O’Lakes: Donates nearly 40,000 lbs. of cheese
- UW-Madison: Air-quality improvements offset climate policy costs
- AG Van Hollen: Wisconsin Department of Justice reaches multi-state settlement with glass manufacturer
- Gov. Doyle: Announces $100,000 grant for Thrive
- DOT: Announces excellence in construction awards
- ActionCOACH of Elm Grove: Announces ActionCLUB #21 Graduation Class
- Bank Mutual Corp.: Reports earnings for full year of 2009 and fourth quarter of 2009
- Midwest Renewable Energy Association: Workshop calendar posted online
- RedPrairie: Sherway Group selects RedPrairie Warehouse Management and Workforce Management solutions
- Integrys Energy Group: Achieves strategic objectives for nonregulated subsidiary, Integrys Energy Services, Inc.
- WMC: Wausau Paper President and CEO Howatt elected WMC chair
- DeWitt Ross & Stevens: The American Trial Lawyers Association names Schoenfeld as one of the top trial lawyers in Wisconsin
- Kalahari Resorts: $25 million recovery zone facility bonds jump start financing for much-anticipated Kalahari Resort in Fredericksburg, VA
- DeWitt Ross & Stevens: Fanaeian joins DeWitt Ross & Stevens law firm
- Fiserv: Fiserv Technology key in client’s growth strategy
- UW-Madison College of Engineering: The eyes have it – analysis improves artificial lens design
- DCI Cheese Company: Contributes $45,000 to American Red Cross for Haitian relief
- DWD: December unemployment rates announced
- UW-Madison: Poll – Many state anglers unaware of laws to prevent spread of invasive species
- CustomCall Data Systems, Concretio.com: Sign letter of intent for merger
- Business World: Wisconsin businesses support student entrepreneurship program
- Baird Capital Partners: Invests in American Auto Auction group
- WMEP, BT Squared Inc.: Announce partnership to drive sustainability initiatives
- White House Council on Environmental Quality: CEQ Chair Nancy Sutley responds to Governors Granholm and Doyle request for summit on Asian carp
- Orion Energy Systems: Barrett: Innovation, like that of Orion Energy Systems, needed to boost economy
- Summit Credit Union: Executive appointed to JDRF Board of Directors
- St. Norbert College: Spring leadership series – Interaction management
- UW-Eau Claire: Supervisory management workshops to be offered
- Metrix: Ends successful 2009 & sees growth in 2010
- AG Van Hollen: Supports legislation aimed at reducing illegal prescription drug activities
- Nation Consulting: First in fundraising for Fight for Air Climb
- Wisconsin Technology Council: Economic stimulus bill in Legislature is topic at Jan. 26 WIN-Madison meeting
- Madison International Trade Association: February meeting announcement
- TEMPO Milwaukee: Forbes editor to address economy, national political landscape in 2010
- First Business Financial Services: Emily Bradley of First Business is the recipient of the WI-ACE President’s Award
- UW-Madison: Roundtable to explore ethics for investigative journalism outlets
- Midwest Business Brokers and Intermediaries: MBBI appoints CGK’s Thomas Kintis to board of directors
- AG Van Hollen: Statement regarding Supreme Court’s decision denying emergency relief in Asian carp case
- Good Harvest Market: Celebrates five year anniversary by donating to local schools for tuition assistance
- WMC: Launches statewide education campaign on global warming bill
- Wisconsin Dental Association: New study shows sufficient dental work force through 2020 with maldistribution a persistent challenge
- Gov. Doyle: Announces $6 million recovery grant to train nearly 3,000 for clean energy jobs
- Transit NOW: Gov. Jim Doyle, area CEOs, elected officials, and labor joined forces Tuesday in support of Regional Transit legislation that would kick-start job creation, connect people with jobs, and boost Wisconsin’s position in the global marketplace
- Wisconsin Primary Health Care Association: Dental study affirms positives and negatives of workforce and access situation
- WISPIRG: As passage of health bill nears, new estimates of state by state job gains from lower premiums
- Gov. Doyle: Announces energy efficiency efforts save state more than $268 million a year
- Gov. Doyle: Announces $222,700 in Buy Local, Buy Wisconsin grants
- Dane County: Receives state agriculture “Buy Local” grant
- Gov. Doyle: Announces two Wisconsin scientists to receive federal research funding
- Orion Energy Systems: Gubernatorial candidate Barrett to visit, tour Orion Energy Systems’ facilities
- Gov. Doyle: Unveils plan for regional transit authority for southeastern Wisconsin
- Flambeau River Biofuels: Signs letter of intent for $250 million green diesel plant
- Chickity Doo Doo: National organic leaders to present 2010 Midwest Organic Lawn Care & Landscaping Conference
- UW-Madison: Diving milk prices cut state net farm income by more than half in 2009
- MGE Energy: Declares regular dividend
- Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation: Upcoming business education and financial awareness classes
- RedPrairie: Air France Industries adopts RedPrairie Warehouse Management solution
- Second Chance Partners for Education: Business simulation makes financial “cents” of apples & oranges
- Wisconsin Credit Union League: Credit unions saw largest membership growth in a decade in 2009, report says
- WMC: Jobs 2010 Agenda
- Rock County Young Professionals Group: Young professionals event at Wisconsin Theatre Works
- Madison Family Dental Associates: Three women lead Madison Family Dental Associates
- Madison Children’s Museum: Get your groove on family-style with Kids Rock!
- Applied Data Consultants: Announces new division, promotions and hires
- Sajan: Appoints localization industry veteran to lead Ireland office
- Wisconsin Better Business Bureau: New mystery shopping scam uses Woodman’s Markets’ name
- USDA Rural Development: To hold job forum at Chippewa Valley Technical College
- UW-Madison, UW-Milwaukee: To award grants for joint research partnerships
- Arts Wisconsin: Announces Arts in the Community Award presented to Julia Taylor of the Greater Milwaukee Committee
- Dept. of Revenue: Wisconsin launches income tax filing season
- Northwestern Mutual Foundation: Supports Haiti earthquake relief efforts with $100,000 American Red Cross donation
- Dept. of Commerce: Federal EDA offers assistance to communities negatively affected by trade agreements
- North Shore Bank: Collecting financial donations to Salvation Army Haiti earthquake relief efforts
- Gov. Doyle: U.S. Treasury to help free up credit for small businesses
- Gov. Doyle: Launches plan to Accelerate Wisconsin’s green economy
- Gov. Doyle: Launches plan to Accelerate Wisconsin’s green economy
- Dept. of Revenue: Tim Casper appointed revenue’s new deputy secretary
- Advocate Magazine, Advocate.com: Madison, WI named 5th gayest city in America
- Wis. Dental Association: Presentation of Wisconsin dental work force study results
- AG Van Hollen: Well driller Donald S. Fedie to pay $50,000 for well construction code violations
- Historic Milwaukee Inc.: Presents A View of Our City in Three Acts
- Gov. Doyle: Announces more than $1 million federal grant to combat poverty in Milwaukee
- Wisconsin Technology Council: Building social media strategies into marketing is topic at Jan. 21 WIN-Northeast meeting
- Better Business Bureau: Advises donors on how to vet Haiti earthquake charity appeals
- Silver Spring Foods: Expands private label capabilities
- WCREW: Panel discussion on LEED vs. green at real estate professionals networking event
- Leinenkugel’s: Taps a classic success — Classic Amber Lager closes out 2009 as the year’s #1 new craft item in the U.S.
- Focus on Energy: LCH Properties receives $28,289 financial incentive for renewable energy project
- Connor Remodeling & Design: Wins first-place award at MBA Remodeling Expo
- UW-Madison: National agribusiness news program to tape town-hall event
- DATCP: “Food Safety on the Market Farm” workshops Feb. 10- 12
- St. Croix EDC: Names top businesses for 2009
- Midland Video: George Liberatore receives Community Quarterback Award
- ActionCOACH of Elm Grove: Announces ‘ActionAwards for 2009’ on Thursday, February 4, 2010
- Alliance Laundry Systems: Taps Nelson Schmidt as agency of record
- M Café: Here we grow again!
- Menomonee Falls Community Chamber of Commerce: JCPenney in Menomonee Falls presented with community improvement award
- AG Van Hollen: Announces settlement in Northern Wisconsin environmental violations case
- Dept. of Justice, Dept. of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection: AG Van Hollen and Secretary Nilsestuen issue warning about Haiti earthquake relief scams
- Dept. of Workforce Development: Secretary Gassman cites opportunities for job growth under Governor Doyle’s comprehensive clean energy plan
- Dept. of Workforce Development: Secretary Gassman: Wisconsin to create jobs, harness power with wind turbines under Governor Doyle’s clean energy jobs plan
- Milwaukee Mayor Barrett: Announces $1.075 million Recovery Act Pathways out of Poverty award for green job training
- Better Business Bureau: Advises donors on how to vet Haiti earthquake charity appeals
- Dept. of Commerce: Governor Doyle announces $250,000 loan to Spectra Print to expand facility, create jobs
- Dept. of Commerce: Governor Doyle announces $500,000 in tax credits to Pacon Corp. to create jobs
- Gov. Doyle: Announces $36 million in federal grants to benefit Milwaukee, Habitat for Humanity
- Beans & Novels LLC: Local author’s new children’s book now available
- UW-Madison: The story continues off-screen for movies, TV shows
- WMEP: Paul D. Ericksen joins WMEP to manage national DoD supply chain initiative
- UW-Whitewater: Earn certificates in Web design, project management through UW-Whitewater’s Wisconsin Center for Information Technology Services
- NFIB: Job creators oppose Wisconsin climate change bill
- WellPoint: State sponsored business president to serve on federal Children’s Health Insurance Program Working Group
- Wisconsin Builders Association: Consumer alert: New lead paint rules
- Wisconsin Business Council: Legislative action urged on bill to facilitate Recovery Zone Bonds
- Dept. of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection: Food Safety on the Market Farm workshops Feb. 10- 12
- Manpower: Named 2009 Alcon Supplier of Excellence
- Wisconsin Business Council: Legislative action urged on bill to facilitate Recovery Zone Bonds
- NFIB: Job creators oppose Wisconsin climate change bill
- DATCP: Nilsestuen appoints panel to consider raw milk issue
- UW-Madison: U.S. faces widening information gap on nanotechnology
- Reinhart: Names attorneys Krier and Rechlicz shareholders
- Greater Madison Convention & Visitors Bureau: Spend a romantic weekend in Madison!
- UW-Eau Claire: Marketing professors report surprising new findings in Super Bowl ad success
- First Business Financial Services, Inc.: Hires Melissa Colby
- AquaMost: WARF start-up AquaMost and Encotech receive SBIR grant to develop advanced water purification device based on UW-Madison technology
- UW-Madison: Careers conference to focus on turning challenges into opportunities
- UW-Madison: Scientists create super-strong collagen
- Cornerstone Business Services: Announces award winners
- Northwestern Mutual: Recruiting thousands of financial professionals in 2010
- Godfrey & Kahn: Elects two new shareholders
- WARF: Start-up BioSentinel launches second product for “real time” detection of deadly botulinum toxins
- North Shore Bank: Promotes two senior leaders
- RedPrairie: Integrates Execution Management with Enterprise Workforce Management solution
- Focus on Energy: Wisconsin hotels & restaurants find energy savings hospitable
- Greater Milwaukee Association of Realtors: Metro home sales up 6% for 2009
- WI Builder’s Association: President named to partnership for stronger economy task force
- WI Farm Bureau: 2010 policy available online
- PSC: Approves construction of Glacier Hills Wind Farm
- DATCP: Carrying out new dog protection law is topic for committee now forming
- UW-Madison: Regulatory network balances stem cell maintenance, differentiation
- UW-Madison: Study – second cochlear implant can restore two important facets of binaural hearing
- Better Business Bureau: Lists top 10 scams and rip-offs of 2009
- Wis. Bankers Association: Wisconsin economic, credit availability forecast
- Fellon-McCord: Adds strategic investment partner; Baird Venture Partners acquires minority interest
- RedPrairie: Michaels goes live with RedPrairie Warehouse Management and Workforce Management solutions
- Orion Energy Systems: Supports Gov. Doyle’s climate change legislation
- Libertarian Party of Wisconsin: Doyle’s clean energy plan is good news/bad news
- Wisconsin Innovation Network: Resolutions for building tech economy in 2010 is topic at Jan. 14 WIN-Milwaukee meeting
- Pacific Retirement Services: PRS is the new manager of Middleton Glen in Middleton, Wisconsin
- Centrose: Appoints Troy Wilson to executive board of members
- Pewaukee Chamber: Announces person of the year, small, medium and large business of the year
- UW-Eau Claire: College of Business a worldwide leader in IS research
- ActionCOACH of Elm Grove: Names Terri Demos as office manager
- ActionCOACH of Elm Grove: Announces “Creating Raving Fans” workshop
- Shakespeare Wealth Management: Mark Ziety joins National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA)
- Clean Wisconsin: Diverse support for the Clean Energy Jobs Act
- Gov. Doyle, Milwaukee Mayor Barrett: Announce $800,000 grant to revitalize Tower Automotive site
- Gov. Doyle: Announces $2 million energy training grant
- MWFPA: Increased costs, lost jobs result of Wisconsin climate change bill
- New North, Inc.: Firms recognized for workplace excellence
- New North: Bassett Mechanical, Wausaukee Composites receive combined $1.9 million in wind energy tax credits
- WIEG: Costly state energy mandates could hurt manufacturing jobs
- Wisconsin Auto & Truck Dealers Association: Proposed global warming legislation hurts Wisconsin auto industry
- WUI: Global warming bill misses chance for real jobs
- Wisconsin Business Council: Members view plan to accelerate Wisconsin’s green economy with optimism
- Gov. Doyle: Announces plan to accelerate wisconsin’s green economy
- CREWE: Statement on introduction of the Clean Energy Jobs Act
- WMC: Wisconsin global warming bill will cost jobs
- Gov. Doyle: Urges Wisconsin employers to support veterans in return to civilian employment
- Madison Magazine: Presents 2010 Best of Madison Business Award winners & luncheon
- Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation: Ag Day at the Capitol is February 3
- Wisconsin Chamber of Commerce Executives Association: Elects new board
- WPPI Energy: Statement of Roy Thilly on the Clean Energy Jobs Act
- Orion Energy Systems: Issued utility patent for direct renewable Apollo solar light pipe system
- Dept. of Commerce: Workshop promotes green entrepreneurship
- DATCP: Free weekend retreats offered for farm men, farm couples
- UW-Madison: Forum to unveil 2010 forecast for Wisconsin’s agricultural economy
- WisDOT: Local governments receive share of fuel tax, registration fees
- WWSAC: McKenna named executive director of Wauwatosa Commerce Group
- Jody Jessup: Psychotherapist/dietitian opens new Sturgeon Bay office
- RBC Wealth Management: Lauri Droster named to RBC Wealth Management Chairman’s Council
- Dept. of Workforce Development: Governor Doyle announces additional assistance for dislocated workers of Appleton Coated, Combined Locks
- CREWE: Greenwood Fuels joins CREWE
- DHS: Currans-Sheehan appointed executive assistant
- JG Development: To hold free tax incentives of remodeling & new construction seminar Thursday, January 21, 2010
- Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation: Fourth quarter 2009, retail food prices continue to fall
- Alliant Energy: Flu symptoms could signal carbon monoxide poisoning
- Wisconsin Bankers Association: Fewer businesses seek loans, Wisconsin bank CEOs say
- R S + K, Buttonwood Partners, Kjohnson: Donate 383 lbs. of non-perishable food items to Second Harvest Foodbank of Southern Wisconsin
- UW-Madison: WARF vindicated by court’s denial of company’s appeal
- U.S. Census: 2010 Census recruiting for thousands of short term jobs
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Announces $1 million for coastal wetlands restoration in Wisconsin
- PIOSocialMediaTraining.com: Charlotte Fire Department voted Social Media Responder of 2009
- Westside Family Pet Clinic: Will launch “Pets Reducing For Rescues” ideal weight contest at preventative pet nutrition open house on Jan. 16th 2010
- Platypus Technologies: Receives $2.2 M contract from Department of Defense
- Greater Brookfield Chamber of Commerce: Announces Sally Piefer as new board chairman
- MMAC: November economic trends report
- Nicolet Bank: Business – Top ten for 2010
- Madison International Trade Association: Jan. 12 event – “Economic Recovery in 2010? View from the Federal Reserve & Prospects for International Trade”
- Schenck: Announces three new board members
- Institute for Wisconsin’s Future: Proposed restrictions on billboard taxes a danger to communities
- DOJ, DWD: Van Hollen and Gassman announce workers to receive settlement payments in Reliant Glass & Door Systems
- DATCP: Start the new year right and join the landscape pesticide notification registry
- DOT: Frozen road law goes into effect January 6 in Central & SW Wisconsin
- DHS: Radon exposure is second leading cause of lung cancer
- Dept. of Commerce: Secretary Leinenkugel seeks Wisconsin partners for National Entrepreneurship Week 2010
- UW-Madison: Free clinic aids immigrants with answers to legal questions
- Wisconsin Public Service: Iowa wind farm begins commercial operations
- Midland Video: Presents 30 years of clips
- Clean Wisconsin: The greatest environmental victories of the decade
- Godfrey & Kahn: Adds attorney to intellectual property practice group
- Wisconsin FFA Foundation: Support the Wisconsin FFA Foundation annual campaign
- Orion Energy Systems: Design patents issued for Orion Energy Systems’ outdoor technology
- Orion Energy Systems: Manitowoc, WI Common Council approves Orion Energy Systems’ plan to construct wind turbine
- Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation: “Farm Bureau picks” for 2010
- SCEDC: Grants available to help Wisconsin manufacturers prepare for recovery
- UW-Whitewater: Summer Business Institute wins diversity award from Regents
- DeWitt Ross & Stevens, S.C.: Birke named Wisconsin Super Lawyer by national publication
- Integrys Energy Group: Rise in natural gas prices expected in new year
- UW-Madison: Kiplinger’s Personal Finance ranks UW-Madison a top value
- DMV: Changes in state law will affect commercial driver licenses in 2010
- Northwestern Mutual: Unveils new web site and life event application
- UW-Madison: Research – One in 20 Milwaukee renter-occupied households evicted each year
- ALL Fuels: Obtains stay pending the hearing on the motion to reconsider the order of approval of bankruptcy sale of ethanol plant
- American Transmission Co.: Founder Delgado announces retirement
- Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance: Federal, state, and local tax collections from Wisconsin fell 12.4% in 2009