WisBusiness: the Podcast with Tim Szczykutowicz, RadUnity

This week’s episode of “WisBusiness: the Podcast” is with Tim “Stick” Szczykutowicz, founder of RadUnity. 

Szczykutowicz, a professor at UW-Madison, says “there’s some problems” with medical imaging that he wants to address through RadUnity. This Madison-based startup recently got FDA clearance for its technology, which aims to reduce inconsistency in medical imaging for radiologists by standardizing formatting and image processing. 

He provides insights on what led him to launch the business and details the company’s approach for improving medical imaging. 

“You’re going to have a much more uniform way that images are made and presented to radiologists who would eventually interpret them,” he said. 

Szczykutowicz says the recent FDA clearance is “huge for the business,” emphasizing the importance of hitting such milestones for startups coming out of academia.  

“What that meant for us was that we’re hopefully being seen as a real company, and not just an extension of my laboratory,” he said. “Yeah, we really want to get that patent, that solution into the hands of clinicians around the country.” 

The podcast touches on other milestones for RadUnity and its path from the lab bench to market. Looking ahead, the company is seeking to raise a seed investment round of “a few million dollars” to hire dedicated leadership. 

“I’m blessed to be in this awesome corridor between Milwaukee and Madison where we have all this imaging expertise from GE Healthcare to the smaller companies, the spin-offs of UW-Madison in this region,” he said, adding “that’s really my next big hurdle as founder … getting the right people on board.” 

Listen to the podcast below, sponsored by UW-Madison: