Friday, April 26, 2024


Mitch Bram is the director of sartorial splendor with Tom James Clothing in Madison. He’ll be working toward building a more Fashion Forward Wisconsin by sharing his advice and expertise on the subject of proper dress.
Bram works by appointment. Call 608-712-6499 or visit or
–> E-mail your fashion questions to or call Mitch directly at  at 608-278-0391 or 608-712-6499.

Dressing for success in the recession

People are changing their mindset on how to dress in the workplace with the current economic situation.  After all, these are interesting times and...

Winter to spring: you don’t have to dress like the Easter Bunny, but add...

Time once again to delve into tough wardrobe choices.  Our query this month is as follows: "What colors are right for the change of...

Building a business wardrobe from scratch

By Mitch Bram As I write this Thursday, it's -12 degrees outside with the promise of -27 this evening with wind chills as low as...

Insulating your egg, and other winter head-scratchers

Question: Are animal furs acceptable winter garb? Fashion Forward: As I sit here writing this month’s column it is 2 degrees with a wind...

Season’s greetings!

Season's greetings! And, as all Wisconsinites know, there's more to the holidays than just snow, sniffles, and stress. That's right -- empty wallets, too!...

A guide to All Hallows Eve

Mitch: For those of you who don't know, I am a bit of a Halloween freak. Each year I take it upon myself to...

Question: What should I wear if I’m making a TV appearance or shooting a...

Mitch: This worry plagues my broadcasting clients and touches the lives of my clients that end up on television for political reasons, sports...

Question: Politicians aren’t always wearing ties … should I?

Mitch: Finally, someone asked, “The Question.” In my eight-plus years in the clothing business, it is nice to hear someone verbalize their questions regarding...
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