After more than a year of what felt like hibernation, a COVID-19 vaccine is giving people hope for brighter days — and a reason to get back to travel. Wisconsin boasts 15,000+ lakes, 60,000+ acres of state parks and a bounty of tourism attractions statewide. This gives locals and out-of-staters a reason to explore the Badger State this summer. Perhaps there’s even an opportunity for Wisconsin to take advantage of a post-pandemic surge.
Join May 20 for a virtual lunch hour event featuring three tourism leaders — Department of Tourism Acting Secretary Anne Sayers, Wisconsin Hotel and Lodging Association President and CEO Bill Elliott and Association of Wisconsin Tourism Attractions President Tom Diehl. The trio will discuss the state of the tourism industry in Wisconsin and how the political, health and economic climates may influence what Wisconsin’s robust tourism industry will look like this summer.
The program is set to run via webinar from noon to 1 p.m. on Thursday, May 20.
The event will begin with a moderated panel discussion and then shift to questions from the audience.
We will send you a link to access the webinar on the morning of the event.
This event is sponsored by Madison Gas and Electric Company, University Research Park, Wisconsin Technology Council and The Phelps Hamus Group. Their support made this program possible.
Register here for this free event: