Wisconsin Tech Council: Don’t turn into a pumpkin: Top 10 reasons to enter Gov’s Biz Plan Contest before midnight

MADISON, Wis. – Before the clock strikes midnight today, enter the annual Wisconsin Governor’s Business Plan Contest. Don’t miss a free opportunity to share up to $120,000 in cash and in-kind prizes. Get started at govsbizplancontest.com!

 Here are 10 reasons you should enter your business idea:

  1. Have we mentioned it’s free? Other than the cost of your time, there is no fee to enter the contest.
  1. You don’t have to be Tolstoy. The initial entry is about 250 words, spread among four criteria – product or service description, customer definition, market description and competition. That’s about 65 words per category.
  1. You don’t even need a stamp. The contest is online at govsbizplancontest.com.
  1. You can win valuable prizes. The contest will feature up to $120,000 in cash and service prizes such as co-working space, legal services, accounting and marketing services, IT services and more.
  1. You’ll get some free advice. Judges in the contest are experienced in their respective fields and often provide feedback to contestants. Volunteer mentors from SCORE and the Center for Technology Commercialization are available to answer your questions.
  1. You’ll meet other entrepreneurs like yourself. As much as it may sometimes seem like you’re alone, you’re not. There are other entrepreneurs like you – and they often have similar experiences to share. You can meet them March 5 at our live “boot camp.”
  1. There’s a strong alumni club. Many contest finalists were still in business at last count, and those same finalists have raised at least $320 million in grants, angel capital and venture capital or debt over time.
  1. You might meet an investor. Many angel and venture capitalists are among the contest judges, and they often keep an eye out for up-and-coming companies in the contest.
  1. You might get a chance to talk about your idea live at the Wisconsin Entrepreneurs’ Conference. The top 12 finalists will present in the contest’s annual “Diligent Dozen” showcase, held as a part of the conference, which will be in June 2024.
  1. What better way to move your good idea off the desk and closer to reality? There’s no better motivation than a deadline, so enter by 11:59 p.m. Jan. 31, 2024!

To view a webinar on how to win the Governor’s Business Plan Contest, click here.