The President of the Wisconsin BioFuels Association, Erik Hushitt, made the following statement regarding the emergency fuel waiver issued on Friday by the Biden Administration:
“We commend President Biden and EPA Administrator Michael Regan for issuing the emergency fuel waiver allowing year-round sales of E15. This decision saves consumers money, cuts emissions, and ensures a stable fuel supply. It’s noteworthy that Governor Evers and 7 other midwest Governors played a pivotal role in securing year-round E15 sales, granted in February, though it won’t take effect until 2025. This waiver provides immediate relief for this year’s consumers, and demonstrates that a permanent legislative solution is crucial for long-term benefits.”
WBFA is glad that those at the federal level understand the importance of reducing summertime air pollution. This reassurance underscores the benefits of E15 for both consumers and the environment year-round in Wisconsin and across the country.