Madison – State Representative Janel Brandtjen released the following statement regarding the Assembly’s final opportunity to pass AR 18, enabling the Senate to proceed with its investigation:
“This Tuesday, February 13, once again represents the first business day of the month, and according to Assembly Rules, a resolution can be pulled to the floor for a vote. I will once again try to get a floor vote on AR 18 to start an impeachment investigation into WEC administrator Meagan Wolfe.
The impeachment action was requested by Senate President Kapenga on October 4, 2023, due to a lack of consistency from Wolfe and staff members when carrying out election laws. I believe Wolfe and her staff have created the greatest threat to our Constitutional Republic by disregarding existing election laws.
The legislature’s role is to hold these agencies accountable; AR18 outlines the serious offenses Wolfe has committed. The Assembly only needs to pass a simple non-binding resolution to start the Senate’s impeachment investigation.
Wolfe is well past her four-year term limit, yet she keeps her position because Democrat Commissioners gamed the system by refusing to vote. The Senate has overwhelmingly voted her out, and adding insult to injury, Wolfe used taxpayer money to sue both the Assembly and Senate. Her continued presence is outrageous.
This resolution, or any resolution the speaker or leadership wishes to bring to remove Wolfe from her administrative position, is not meant to threaten or intimidate but to start a process in the Senate that may or may not lead to Wolfe’s removal.
As we approach the end of this session, I urge all members to revisit AR 18 and recognize its pivotal role in safeguarding our liberties and securing future freedom for future generations.
Please support AR-18, ask the Senate to investigate Wolfe, and bring transparency and confidence to the 2024 elections. Wolfe must go.”