Green Bay Austin Straubel International Airport: Construction project at GRB receives state award

(Green Bay, WI) Over the past two years, Green Bay Austin Straubel International Airport (GRB) has been making a series of improvements to its facility, grounds and airfield. One of the projects recently received the 2023 Wisconsin Transportation Builders Association/WisDOT Contractor-Engineers “Outstanding Construction Project Award.”

The award was given to GRB contractors Vinton Construction and Mead & Hunt for their combined planning and rehabilitation work done on the airport’s taxiway and apron. “It’s an honor to have this award given to such a crucial improvement project at the airport,” said Airport Director, Marty Piette, A. A. E. “Rehabilitating our aprons and taxiways will provide safer and smoother navigation of the airport grounds for landing or departing aircraft.”

The project was originally slated to be done in four phases, however Vinton was able to complete everything in just three phases, before the first 2023 Packer home game. “Our Fixed Base Operators (FBO) see substantial numbers of private and charter planes for Packer home games,” explained Piette. “It is a source of revenue for them, so it was important to have it done as quickly as possible. Communication among all project participants resulted in very little disruption to airport operations and it was completed with zero safety incidents.”

The completed taxiway and apron rehabilitation project is just one of the many improvement projects underway at the airport. Parking lot and runway updates as well as the installation of a new sidewalk canopy, will be among projects taking place in 2024. “Each improvement and upgrade benefits travelers, our airlines and our airport operations,” stated Troy Streckenbach, Brown County Executive. “The airport is an important economic driver for our community and it adds to the quality of life for all residents. We are excited for what the future holds.”