Elmbrook Education Foundation: Kicks off 4th Annual Thank You Thursday Initiative

Brookfield, WI – January 31, 2024 – The EEF, in partnership with The Corners of Brookfield and the School District of Elmbrook, will kick off the 4th Annual Thank You Thursday initiative on February 1, 2024. This year, “Thank You Thursday” nominees will also be considered for an Engaged in Excellence Award through Elmbrook Schools: one nomination, two potential awards!

Danielle Leitner Baxter, Elmbrook Education Foundation (EEF) Board Member and Staff Appreciation Chair said, “We are excited to amplify Thank You Thursdays this year through a partnership with Elmbrook Schools and The Corners of Brookfield. Our Elmbrook staff is truly awesome and we are thrilled to provide an easy and meaningful way for families, students, staff, alumni, and community members to show their appreciation. Each year, the nominations reinforce what we already know – Elmbrook staff members bring their kindness, passion, and talent to our students each and every day. We are grateful to have such a committed team working with our kids!”

Last year, 1300 thank you nominations were received. Each week beginning February 15 and continuing for five weeks, the EEF will randomly draw ten winners for a $25 gift card to The Corners of Brookfield.  On March 21, the staff member with the most thank you nominations will receive a $250 gift card to The Corners of Brookfield.   In addition, the EEF and Grimaldi’s Pizzeria will deliver pizza and salads to over 1400 Elmbrook staff members.  Express your gratitude by saying “thank you” today at http://elmbrookschools.org/nominate. Watch the EEF social media and The Corners of Brookfield billboards each Thursday for our winners. 

“It’s been amazing to partner with the Elmbrook Education Foundation in Thank You Thursdays throughout the years. Being able to show signs of appreciation to the teachers and staff who do so much for their students is an honor and we look forward to paying it forward to them again this year!”  said Jordyn Swan, Marketing Manager, The Corners of Brookfield. 

EEF was organized in 1958 to award scholarships to select Brookfield High School graduates. In 1999, the Foundation’s mission expanded to include teacher grants for innovative projects that benefit all students and raise money to support and strengthen outstanding learning ideas that improve the overall educational quality of our public schools. EEF has awarded over $1,600,000 in scholarships and over $625,000 in grants which enhance and extend the established curriculum and support projects that are beyond the district’s budget.

For more information, please contact Beth Dobrzynski, Executive Director, at elmbrookeducationfoundation@gmail.com
