Dairyland Power Cooperative: Nemadji Trail Energy Center neighborhood meeting is Jan. 23

LA CROSSE, WI— The Nemadji Trail Energy Center project partners invite the local community to  attend a neighborhood meeting to learn more about the planned, state-of-the-art natural gas plant  in Superior, Wis.  

Two meetings on Tuesday, Jan. 23, will provide opportunities for residents to receive updates from  the project partners (Minnesota Power, Dairyland Power Cooperative and Basin Electric Power  Cooperative). Project representatives will be on hand to answer questions.  

Event details  

Date: Tuesday, Jan. 23  

Time: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 4 – 6 p.m.  

Location: Belgian Club (187 40th Ave. E, Superior, Wis.)  

With the open house format, guests are welcome to come anytime during the times listed.  Refreshments will be provided.  

About the project  

Minnesota Power, Dairyland Power Cooperative and Basin Electric Power Cooperative are building a  state-of-the-art natural gas plant in Superior, Wis., to ensure the delivery of safe, reliable and  affordable energy to our customers and members.  

The Nemadji Trail Energy Center (NTEC) is a planned combined-cycle natural gas plant that will  provide power on-demand in any weather, while adjusting quickly for the ups and downs of  renewable energy generation availability. Flexible and low-carbon emitting, NTEC will be a critical  capacity resource in a time when resource adequacy is declining significantly due to the retirement  of traditional power plants. NTEC will displace higher-emission facilities, leading to a reduction in  overall electric system emissions.  

About Dairyland Power Cooperative: Headquartered in La Crosse, Wis., Dairyland provides the  wholesale electrical requirements for 24 distribution cooperatives and 27 municipal utilities. These  cooperatives and municipals, in turn, supply the energy needs of approximately 700,000 people in  the four-state service area. Dairyland delivers electricity via 3,300 miles of transmission lines and  232 substations located throughout the system’s 44,500 square mile service area. Visit  www.DairylandPower.com.