Better Business Bureau: Tip: How to resell event tickets you can’t use

Milwaukee, Wis. – You can resell just about anything online – including event tickets. You can even profit from the sale in many U.S. states without being considered a “scalper.” That said, there are a few things to remember if you want to legally resell event tickets.

Tips for reselling event tickets

If you bought tickets for an event you can longer attend, here’s what to remember when reselling them online.  

  • Know your local laws. Some states regulate ticket resale, so research before you post a few tickets to eBay for a 200% profit. For example, reselling event tickets for a profit in Ontario is still considered scalping and illegal. The same is true in several U.S. states. In addition, circumventing ticket issuers’ security measures using automated software or other means is illegal under the Federal Trade Commission’s BOTS Act.
  • Make sure your tickets come from a reputable source. Before selling any tickets, ensure they are from a trusted vendor. Trusted vendors include the event venue or a professional ticket broker (preferably a member of the National Association of Ticket Brokers). If you purchased from an unregulated, unlicensed ticket seller outside a reliable ticket broker site, verify your tickets before posting them to a resale site.
  • Sell your tickets on trustworthy resale sites. Many online event ticket brokers allow individuals to resell their tickets for a fee. Online platforms like StubHub guarantee buyers’ tickets and ensure sales follow local laws. You can sell tickets on websites that aren’t dedicated specifically to event tickets, such as eBay, but remember that you’ll be responsible for understanding and complying with local laws and regulations.
  • Get to know ticket broker rules and fees. Before signing up to resell tickets online, learn how it works. Find out if you can sell tickets digitally and/or physically, how much the commission fee is, and how you will receive payment.
  • Read reviews from buyers and sellers. Read reviews on third-party websites to ensure the platform you are considering has a good reputation with ticket sellers and buyers. 
  • Compare fees across resellers. Different ticket reselling platforms charge different commission amounts. Some have a flat fee, while others do a percentage of the sales amount. Do the math and figure out what is best for you. 
  • Watch out for scams. Con artists are always looking for new opportunities. Stay alert to lookalike websites, and watch out for platforms promising unrealistic profits. Also, avoid sharing your personal information with businesses or individuals you don’t know and trust.

For more information

Read about avoiding scams when buying tickets and getting a good deal from a ticket reseller. Learn more about selling things online by reading the BBB Tip: Selling used items online. Also, read more on BBB’s entertainment and sports hub

Only use resale platforms that follow BBB Accreditation Standards and BBB Standards for Trust

If you encounter a scam, report it at Even if you don’t fall victim to the scam, the information can help us protect the public from scammers and their tactics.