Make-A-Wish® Wisconsin: Introduces four new Board Directors and Board Chair

(Wauwatosa, WI) Make-A-Wish Wisconsin announced that it has added four new Board Directors and have introduced their new Board Chair, Joe Imhoff, Partner – International Tax Services at PwC. The new Board Directors include Holly Courtney, Partner, Michael Best & Friedrich, Joe Gehrke, President, Kesslers Diamonds, Chad Hamilton, General Counsel, Secretary and EVP, Legal and Government Affairs, Sargento Foods and Devina Mistry, Group Vice President, IDEX Health & Science, IDEX Corporation.

These new Board Directors joined the volunteer Board as of September 1, 2023, including Immediate Past Chair, Craig Faust, COO of Inpro Corporation. The Board oversees the statewide organization which employees 28 full-time staff across 3 offices. Make-A-Wish Wisconsin is celebrating its 40th Birthday this year and will be granting its 8,000th wish this winter.

For a full Board list, please visit


Together, we create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. Since the Wisconsin chapter was founded in 1984, nearly 8,000 Wisconsin families have experienced the power of a wish, resulting for many in a turning point in the fight against their illnesses. Currently, more than 500 children are waiting for their life-changing wishes to be granted through Make-A-Wish Wisconsin. According to a recent wish impact study, a Make-A-Wish experience leads to increased emotional and physical health for wish children. For more information on making a donation or getting involved, please visit or call 800.236.WISH.