Local 212 FAST Fund: Helps MATC students with emergency basic needs

During Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week it is important to recognize that significant numbers of college and university students experience food and housing insecurity.

According to Liz Franczyk, MATC Spanish instructor and Executive Director of the Local 212 FAST Fund at MATC, “Almost 20% of MATC students are housing insecure, living in their cars, shelters and hotels, or couch surfing — often with their children.” 

Franczyk explains, “Many are victims of domestic violence. When students are homeless, they cannot focus on their studies. That’s why AFT Local 212, MATC’s faculty and staff union, organized the FAST Fund.”

Elvis Tassinda, a TV and Video production student wrote, “The Fast Fund has once again saved my family from the eviction with assistance that allows my family and I to stay in the apartment. As a student with dependents, it’s really a challenge. But with your assistance we are moving forward.”

Shykeyla Holder’s experience is similar. “I lost my job May 1st and have been doing what I can to make ends meet while attending classes, actively looking for work, and being active in my son’s first year of school,” Holder writes. “I did not know how I was going to pay my rent this month until I contacted the FAST Fund, and they helped me immediately.”  She adds, “I look forward to the day that I am stable and can provide a donation and pay it forward to help others.”

Bria Burris, a Director on the MATC District Board and the FAST Fund Board, was homeless with her two daughters when she was studying at MATC. “The FAST Fund enabled me to secure stable housing,” she explains.  “Once my housing situation was resolved, I was able to focus on my studies, attend school full time, and graduate.”

“Last year the FAST Fund provided assistance to 1,688 students at a cost of almost $500,000,” according to Ms. Franczyk. “Fully 89% of our grant recipients graduated or are continuing to pursue their education.  We are on track to help 3,000 students this year. That is why we are asking the community to help us provide assistance to needy MATC students by contributing to our Giving Tuesday campaign.”Contributions can be made online by clicking HERE or checks can be addressed to the FAST Fund at MATC FAST Fund 700 West State St. 8th Floor, Foundation Hall, Milwaukee, WI 53233