Madison, WI, December 21, 2023
Houseless individuals, members of local faith communities and representatives from social service agencies as well as the general public will gather at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 21st, the longest night of the year, to remember and honor people who died without shelter in Dane County and elsewhere this year.
The event, the Longest Night Homeless Persons’ Memorial Service marks the 14th such event in Madison. Nationally the event has been commemorated annually since 1990 and brings attention to the growing tragedy of homelessness across the country. The Memorial Service reminds us that every year members of our community, brothers and sisters, sons, fathers, husbands, wives and children die while they are homeless. Too often their deaths are invisible; there is no obituary, no funeral. The Longest Night Service is an opportunity to remember, honor, celebrate and mourn the passing of those in our community who have died.
At a time of year when many of us reflect on our blessings, prepare to celebrate holidays with family and friends, we are also called to remember and offer support to our brothers and sisters who are struggling, who may be vulnerable, who are cold, and hungry and sick. This Memorial Service is an opportunity to ensure that every life is celebrated and remembered, that no one’s death among us goes unnoticed.
The Memorial Service will include music, prayer, reflections and remembrances of our neighbors who have died this year and who were homeless. The event will begin at 3:00 p.m. on the Capitol Square at the intersection of East Main/South Pinckney and King Streets, by the marble bench where Dwayne Warren’s body was found on June 26th, 2009. Immediately following, a horse drawn hearse will lead a procession around the Capitol. Participating in the service will be representatives from First Congregational United Church of Christ, First United Methodist Church, Beth Israel Center, Unity of Madison, JustDane, and other faith community representatives and advocates working for housing for all.
A memorial booklet of those who passed away in 2023 unhoused will be provided.
About JustDane J
ustDane is private, 501(c)3 non-profit social justice/social service agency founded in 1971 and formerly called Madison-area Urban Ministry. JustDane’s many programs inspire hope for individuals returning tot the Dane County community after incarceration by breaking down the barriers that prevent them from fully participating in our community and the lives of their families.Website: