MADISON – The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC or Commission) announced today that it received over 100 applications requesting more than $30 million for its Energy Innovation Grant Program (EIGP). The Commission will award up to $10 million for energy-related projects to reduce energy consumption, increase clean energy, bolster preparedness and resiliency in the energy system, and incorporate comprehensive energy planning. A list of all submitted applications can be found on the PSC’s website here.
“I am thrilled the PSC received over 100 applications for innovative energy projects throughout Wisconsin,” said PSC Commissioner Tyler Huebner. “The EIGP’s continued success in attracting so many innovative applications will help Wisconsin manufacturers better compete in the global marketplace, local governments and schools save energy and taxpayer dollars, as well as support the statewide effort to reduce carbon and reduce our reliance on imported fossil fuels.”
Applications were made available on October 15, 2021, and were due on January 14, 2022. Due to the amount of funds requested during the 2020 EIGP, in which 108 applications were submitted requesting more than $24.4 million, the Commission increased the total funding allocated for this grant cycle by $3 million. The following entities were eligible to apply for grant funds: Wisconsin manufacturers, municipalities, universities, schools, hospitals, and like entities (MUSH Market); cities; villages; towns; counties; K-12 school districts; tribes; municipal water and wastewater utilities; municipal electric utilities; municipal natural gas utilities; University of Wisconsin System campuses and facilities; the Wisconsin Technical College System; public or nonprofit hospitals; and 501(c)(3) nonprofits.
During the application evaluation, the Commission will consider, among other factors, the energy savings, additional funds leveraged and economic impact, equitable distribution of projects and benefits, innovation, and improvement of Wisconsin’s energy resiliency. The Commission is expected to announce grant recipients in the spring of 2022.
Click here for more information about the Energy Innovation Grant Program, and here for more information on projects funded in the last grant round, awarded in 2021.