Better Business Bureau: BBB Tip: Be safe when sharing back to school photos of your kids

Milwaukee, Wis. – With the school year starting again, social media is full of adorable back-to-school photos. Often, these pictures feature a child holding a “first day of school” sign with basic information, such as their name and grade. But before you jump on the trend and snap a similar picture of your little one, read these tips and be cautious about what you share.

Back-to-school photo tips

  • Avoid sharing personal details about your child. Back-to-school photos often involve kids holding a board with their full name, age, height, and other details. Scammers or predators could use this information to commit identity theft or earn your child’s trust. 
  • Leave off information about kids’ schools. Even sharing the name of your child’s school, teacher, or grade level could make them a target for unscrupulous people. Not to mention, these details are often used as security questions for banking or credit card accounts.
  • Double check your privacy settings. Review your social media account’s privacy settings regularly. Be mindful of whom can view your posts. You may want to remove personal information from your account that others can see, such as your telephone number or address.
  • Watch out for phony friend requestsDon’t accept friend requests from strangers. Also, think twice before you accept a friend request from someone you are already connected with. It could be an impostor trying to access your information and friends list.

More back-to-school tips from BBB.

For more information

See BBB’s article on sharing senior photos on Facebook, this scam alert about Facebook quizzes, and sharing your COVID-19 vaccine card on social media.

Check out BBB’s new page dedicated to scams on social media.

For more tips for staying safe online, read BBB’s tips on staying cyber secure.  For more information or further inquiries, contact the Wisconsin BBB at, 414-847-6000 or 1-800-273-1002. Consumers also can find more information about how to protect themselves from scams by following the Wisconsin BBB on FacebookTwitterInstagram and YouTube.  ABOUT BBB: For more than 100 years, the Better Business Bureau has been helping people find businesses, brands and charities they can trust. In 2020, people turned to BBB more than 220 million times for BBB Business Profiles on 6.2 million businesses and Charity Reports on 11,000 charities, all available for free at There are local, independent BBBs across the United States, Canada and Mexico, including BBB Serving Wisconsin which was founded in 1939 and serves the state of Wisconsin.