Wisconsin Farmers Union’s “Meat-ing” series on the challenges and opportunities around meat processing continues from 12-1pm on Thursday, March 25 with a focus on efforts to educate the next generation of meat processors. The free and virtual event is open to the public. Guest panelists include:
- Paul Short, Artisanal Modern Meat Butchery program instructor, Madison Area Technical College (MATC)
- Heidi Hoff, Artisanal Modern Meat Butchery program participant, MATC
- Jeff Sindelar, Professor & Extension Meat Specialist, UW-Madison
- Ryley Rehnelt, Meat Plant Manager, UW-River Falls
“There is a strong need for skilled butchers in Wisconsin, especially as the current generation of butchers ages into retirement,” said Wisconsin Farmers Union President Darin Von Ruden. “The processors who have taken part in this series have stressed the labor shortage and a need for skilled workers. This upcoming session will share some educational opportunities and innovative approaches to addressing that labor gap.”
Attendees will also learn about scholarship opportunities for an upcoming Meat Processing Boot Camp and a Meat Processing Internship available through WFU.
The WFU Meat-ings kicked off in November and have covered farmer and processor perspectives, mobile and on-farm processing, proposed policy, cooperatives, and community solutions. The series will conclude April 8 with a final session on Creative Marketing Approaches.
RSVP for upcoming events at www.wisconsinfarmersunion.com/events. If you are unable to attend but would still like a recording of the event, please register as well. We will send out the recording to everyone who registers for the event once it has been uploaded on our YouTube channel. Learn more about this topic and potential solutions at www.wisconsinfarmersunion.com/processing.