We Energies: They’re back! Peregrine falcons return to We Energies power plants

Milwaukee – It’s a sure sign that spring is around the corner — peregrine falcons are back at We Energies power plants. Tune into our high-definition cameras 24/7 and watch as the raptors find love, lay eggs and raise their young. 

This year, there are nest box cameras at three We Energies facilities, and we also have a camera at a Wisconsin Public Service (WPS) power plant: 

•    Oak Creek Power Plant

•    Port Washington Generating Station

•    Valley Power Plant in Milwaukee

•    Weston Power Plant in Rothschild

**Media can download video from the Port Washington nest box here.** 

This is a great time to check in on the cameras throughout the day, because there should be quite a bit of activity over the next couple of weeks. Last year, the first eggs were laid around the end of March. 

If you need help identifying the falcons, our peregrine falcon manager has put together a handy guide for each nest site. You can also follow the We Energies Facebook page and Twitter feed for updates.

Peregrine falcon program

We Energies and WPS are honored to be a part of a statewide effort to restore the peregrine falcon population. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources added peregrine falcons to the state’s endangered species list in the 1970s.

Since our first successful nest in the mid-’90s, 410 peregrine falcons have hatched at our facilities. The falcons are drawn to tall structures along Lake Michigan or major rivers, which make many of the We Energies and WPS facilities ideal nesting sites.

This program is another way We Energies and WPS are building a bright, sustainable future. From helping endangered animals and restoring natural habitats, to building new solar facilities and reducing carbon emissions, we are committed to a cleaner future.