MADISON, Wis. – Much has changed with the COVID-19 vaccination efforts in recent weeks, and with that change UW Health continues to update patients and the public on what is new and what to expect going forward.
- UW Health now has open scheduling for any eligible members of the public to sign up for a vaccination, though some may experience wait times until vaccine supply improves.
- UW Health has received a shipment of Johnson & Johnson vaccine and will be administering it to patients this week. While UW Health does have a supply of both Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson vaccines, it is not possible to choose between the two at vaccine appointments.
- New vaccine candidates are progressing closer to Food and Drug Administration review for emergency use authorization.
Approximately 29% of Wisconsinites have received at least one vaccine dose to date, with 17% completing their vaccine series, according to the Department of Health Services. While that is a positive development, we are still a long way from ending this pandemic. Until we reach herd immunity, public health measures like mask wearing and physical distancing are expected to remain in place, including at UW Health’s hospitals and clinics.
Dr. Matt Anderson, senior medical director, primary care, UW Health, will be available for interviews on these topics today.