A Virtual Job Fair is set for Friday, March 19, 2021 from 10 a.m.-noon. Job-seekers can meet virtually with multiple local businesses in a variety of industries. As of March 5, 43 area employers have registered to participate from a variety of different industries in the Southwest Wisconsin Workforce Development Board (SWWDB) area, which includes the counties of Grant, Green, Iowa, Lafayette, Richland and Rock, as well as neighboring counties.
Participating job seekers can talk with employers in real time, explore job vacancies, and submit their résumé.
Those new to Premiere Virtual can create their profile by clicking on the ‘register’ button, click on the register button, adding their contact information, uploading their résumé, and clicking ‘Create Account’ to complete the registration. Returning job-seekers can login using their email and password to receive a reminder closer to the event. Internet Explorer does not work with this platform, however, all other browsers will. To access the virtual event, go to https://portal.premiervirtual.com/event/register-jobseeker/5324-virtual-hiring-event. Those interested are urged to register prior to the event to help avoid any last-minute technical issues.
In addition, Department of Workforce Development (DWD) staff will be hosting a Job Seeker Webinar on March 19th, one hour before the event, to train job-seekers on the Premiere Virtual system. Log in to the WDA 11 Virtual Hiring Event to access this webinar.
Individuals having questions can email DETWDA11BusinessServices@dwd.wisconsin.gov.
For Additional Information Contact:
Contact: Gail Graham
Business Services Manager
Rock County Job Center
1900 Center Avenue
Janesville, WI 53545
Phone (608) 314-3300, Ext. 304, Cell: (608) 295-4887
E-mail: g.graham@swwdb.org