MILWAUKEE – My Turn Towny is a German Märzen beer. The Märzen style has been around for centuries but gained popularity in the late 19th century due to the wedding celebrations of German nobility, which eventually became Munich’s Oktoberfest.
“You can expect a smooth, sweet lager from my beer,” said Lakefront Brewery Brewer, Townsend. “A full-bodied amber lager, this beer was inspired by Lakefront’s own Oktoberfest.”
Unlike the usual Oktoberfest, this Milwaukee Märzen is a bit higher in alcohol and uses organic Weyermann malts from Germany. This will be the perfect beer for a chilly Autumn night, gathered around a bonfire, or a Packers game. It sports a 7.5% alcohol by volume and Towny’s own mother, a retired teacher, has dubbed it, “The best beer I’ve ever had.”
Lakefront Brewery, Inc. distributes its products to over 30 states, Ukraine, South Korea, Sweden, China, Japan and Canada. Lakefront Brewery, Inc. produced the first beer in the United States made from 100% in-state-grown ingredients, including a first-of-its-kind, indigenous Wisconsin yeast strain (Wisconsinite Summer Weiss), the first certified organic brewery and the first gluten-free beer granted label approval by the U.S. Government (New Grist). For more information, visit or call (414) 372-8800.