Contact: Judi Murphy, Murphy Associates
p 262-786-7424
Brookfield, Wis. – December 29, 2021 – The award-winning Greater Brookfield Chamber of Commerce (GBCC) presents “The Leadership Academy” for eight sessions starting January 25, 2022, 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Facilitator of the Academy is Joseph Weitzer, Ph.D., owner of Soulful Leadership. The Leadership Academy will have eight sessions: January 25, February 8, February 22, March 8, March 22, April 5, April 19 and May 3, 2022.
Carol White, president & CEO of GBCC, said, “This is not a canned leadership program. A
program is designed to support participants through pre-determined content around a general theme toward specific learning objectives. Programs delivered in this manner do not take into account a participant’s level of knowledge or expertise relative to pre-determined topics.”
“The Leadership Academy is distinct from a program in that it promotes greater freedom in the selection of themes, embraces individual difference and perspective of each participant. A unique characteristic of The Leadership Academy is its ability to challenge the status quo and inspire participants to make significant contributions as leaders,” continued White.
Joseph Weitzer, Ph.D., has a business mindset. He has focused his practice on optimizing
performance. He’s demonstrated his business acumen in leadership roles building nationally recognized academic programs, reconstituted a business solutions center, and launched two thriving business ventures including a successful consulting practice.
White continued, “Dr. Weitzer has been offering his Leadership Academy for years and we’re pleased to partner with him to bring this offering to the Brookfield Chamber business community and our business community as a whole. The Academy is for those seeking to be better leaders themselves and build stronger teams as well as those new to a leadership role. It fosters innovative thinking and creative problem-solving.”
Dr. Weitzer hosts this program nationally at $3,500.00 for the eight sessions. The Brookfield Chamber member rate is $1,995.00 and guest rate is $3,200.00. For additional information, contact Carol White at 262-786-1886 or