Great Lakes Center: Report argues convincingly for more high-quality early childhood math programs for dual language learners

Key Takeaway: Report contributes to an understanding of the benefits and challenges involved in engaging dual language families to support their young children in learning math.

EAST LANSING, MI (March 2, 2021) -Bellwether Education Partners recently published a report that establishes the need to focus on the mathematics education of young Dual Language Learners (DLLs). The report provides a useful resource for policymakers and practitioners.

Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis of the University of New Mexico reviewed Language Counts: Supporting Early Math Development for Dual Language Learners. She explains that the Bellwether report presents lessons from research and practice on engaging families of DLLs in early mathematics learning. Drawing from the strengths of students, families, and communities, it highlights two case studies, Mighty Math and Zeno Math, on engaging dual language families to support mathematics with their young children.

Dr. Celedón-Pattichis did note that major studies were omitted from the report that are key to advancing our understanding of the capacity of young DLLs to engage in rigorous mathematical concepts when given opportunities to do so. Further, in the report’s recommendations for teacher education and professional development, it misses the opportunity to address what early childhood educators need to know about how young DLLs develop languages.

Nonetheless, the recommendations in the report valuably inform policymakers and other stakeholders as they build asset-based programs that can support families and communities in engaging young DLLs in mathematics learning.

Find the review, by Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis, at:

Find Language Counts: Supporting Early Math Development for Dual Language Learners, written by Brandon Lewis, Melissa Steel King, and Jennifer O’Neal Schiess and published by Bellwether Education Partners, at:

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