Wisconsin DNR: Recycling Excellence Awards deadline extended to September 15

CONTACT: Jennifer Semrau, DNR Waste & Materials Management Program, 608-267-7550, jennifer.semrau@wisconsin.gov

MADISON, Wis. – Last year students of Eagle River Elementary School decided to do something about recycling and help the environment and their furry friends at the same time.

They started the Earth Base Recycling Club. Every week classmates, sometimes as many as 40, met to sort recyclables for pickup as well as collect juice pouches, markers or other items to send to companies for repurposing. The club donated any proceeds they received to local environmental and animal shelter organizations.

Thanks to their efforts, the students received a 2018 Recycling Excellence Award from the Department of Natural Resources. This year you can still nominate your school, community, business or organization – the DNR has extended the deadline for nominations until September 15.

Recycling Excellence Awards celebrate outstanding recycling and waste diversion efforts, innovation and performance throughout Wisconsin. Communities, organizations, schools and businesses – large or small – are eligible. The DNR offers the awards, not only in recognition of recycling efforts but also as a way of highlighting ideas with proven track records that others might use to improve their recycling endeavors.

Awards are given in four categories: overall program, projects and initiatives, innovation and special events. Programs may self-nominate or apply on behalf of another program.

Application information is available on the DNR website at dnr.wi.gov by searching “Recycling Excellence Awards” or by contacting Jennifer Semrau at jennifer.semrau@wisconsin.gov, or 608-267-7550.