Blain’s Farm & Fleet: Help keep your dog cool this summer

Contact: Gayla Kirshner

Summer heat can be hard on everyone – especially our pets. When the weather is nice and warm, it’s the perfect time to get our canine friends running around outside. However, it’s important to help your dog cool off and beat the summer heat. With these tips from Blain’s Farm & Fleet, you can help your four-legged family members stay cool this summer.

1. Give Your Dog a Cooling Mat
Help your dogs, both big and small, cool off with a cooling mat. They typically don’t need to be refrigerated – the inside is made of a liquid cooling gel that helps your pups cool off quickly. Plus, they’re available in a variety of sizes so dogs of all sizes can use them.

2. Keep Your House Cool
If your dog is going to be home alone, it’s important to keep him or her comfortable and cool. Leave the air conditioner on, close the drapes, and make sure there’s plenty of water. If you don’t have AC, set up a fan or open the windows. This is also where a cooling mat can come in handy. Remember – if you’re uncomfortable from the heat, your dog is, too.

3. Never Leave Your Dog In the Car
This is something that is hammered on summer after summer, but it can’t be said enough: do not leave your dog in the car. Even if the temperature isn’t that high outside, the inside of your car can quickly heat up. The inside of a car can reach 120 degrees in just a few minutes. Dogs can’t sweat – they try to dispel heat through the pads of their feet and by panting. It’s best to leave your dog at home, or only go somewhere your dog can go inside with you.

4. Check the Pavement
Before you decide to take your dog outside, check the pavement’s temperature. Touch the pavement with your hand. If it’s too hot for your hand, it’s too hot for your dog’s paw pads. Keep on the grass and avoid pavement. You can also try booties for your dog if they’re comfortable wearing something on their paws.

5. Get In the Water
The best way to cool off in the summer? Get in the water! Whether your dog likes swimming by themselves, or you need give them a little help with a dog life jacket, you can help your pup cool down. A sprinkler or kiddie pool also work great for cooling off in the yard.