Steve Steinhoff
Deputy Director
(608) 266-4593
Madison, Wisconsin, September 27, 2017 – A group of area leaders organized as A Greater Madison Vision will host an open house this Saturday, September 30, at the Goodman Public Library (2222 South Park Street in Madison) to gather thoughts and ideas about how the region should grow. Planners will be on hand to guide people through activities, including building 3-D neighborhood models, playing the “iPlan Greater Madison” computer game, and sharing pictures and ideas on a “sticky wall.” The family-friendly event from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. gives people the chance to drop in for any length of time.
According to organizers, the open house will give people the opportunity to sit in the “driver’s seat” of regional planning. Faced with approximately 150,000 more people in the region in the next 25 years – almost the equivalent of two full Camp Randall stadiums – decisions about how we grow will matter to future quality of life and opportunities.
“How we grow and change as a region matters to everyone,” said Larry Palm, Co-Chair of A Greater Madison Vision. “Will people be able to access good jobs, schools, health care, parks and other important destinations? Will people be able to afford housing to stay in the area? These are just a few of the challenges we will face as we grow. To prepare the best plan, we need to hear from people across the region.”
A Greater Madison Vision will use public input to create alternative future growth scenarios. The scenarios will be made available next year for voting and feedback. Results from scenario polling will guide the Greater Madison Vision and Plan for growth, which will shape local decision making in the future.
A Greater Madison Vision is comprised of a 40-plus member Steering Committee. The Capital Area Regional Planning Commission supports A Greater Madison Vision with staff and other resources.