Tixora to provide online tickets for Summerfest shuttles

Milwaukee startup Tixora has landed a contract with the Milwaukee County Transit System that will let people buy tickets online for Summerfest shuttles.

The company, launched by UW-Madison students, will charge $5.50 for the tickets — a dollar cheaper than using cash. And under a promotion running until June 24, people can also get a free ticket to enter the festival grounds if they get their shuttle tickets through Tixora.

“There’s no waiting to feed cash into a machine,” co-founder Aaron Redlich said. “You don’t have to print it out. It’s just convenient and easy to use.”

The contract came after Redlich presented at a Wisconsin transit conference, as he and his co-founders shared their experience with a free app they developed telling people when the next Madison Metro bus is coming.

It also marks a shift for the early-stage company, which originally sought to create an online ticketing platform for the wide array of intercity bus companies in the U.S..

“That’s still something we’d love to tackle,” Redlich said. “But we really want to focus on mobile ticketing to see where this goes.”

— By Polo Rocha,

See the ticket platform

See an earlier WisBusiness.com story on Tixora