For additional information contact
Neil Fauerbach
Smith & Gesteland
608-828-3110 direct
608-345-8178 cell
2015 Wisconsin Family Business of the Year Award Nominations Open
The twelfth annual Wisconsin Family Business of the Year Award is accepting nominations from businesses throughout the state. The award celebrates the accomplishments and the impact that family-owned businesses have on our communities.
Since the beginning of the program, the award has been presented to businesses including auto dealers, food manufacturers, grocery stores, plumbers, restaurants, and construction companies. Businesses that represent what we think of as family businesses. 79 family-owned companies have been recognized for their contributions to their communities, their industries, and the economy.
One family business will be selected for Grand Awards in each category of small (under 50 employees), medium (50-99), and large (100 or more) companies. Special awards will also be given to companies excelling in a particular area. Self-nominations are encouraged, or nominations can be made on behalf of the company by consultants, vendors, clients, or friends. An independent panel of judges will select the award recipients. The deadline for nominations is April 1, 2015. Awards will be presented at a banquet to be held at the new Edgewater Hotel in Madison on May 14, 2015.
In the United States, there are more than 10 million family businesses, from “mom and pop” stores to Fortune 500 companies. Their economic influence is enormous, producing an estimated 50 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product and paying 65 percent of all wages. The success of family businesses is also demonstrated in the stock market. An analysis of publicly held, family-owned businesses reveals that they significantly outperform the stock market. Economic growth in Wisconsin clearly is influenced by the health of family-run businesses.
The awards program is sponsored by Smith & Gesteland, a CPA firm, First Business Bank, and the Whyte, Hirschboeck, Dudek law firm.
Additional information about the program, including a list of past winners, and Nomination forms can be found at, or by calling 608-836-7500.