Increase in Family Estate & Probate Disputes Leads Law Firm to Start Mediation Service
Routinely Used in Divorce & Custody Cases,
Mediation Expected to Grow in Probate Conflicts
Milwaukee, WI, January 19, 2015 — Walny Legal Group LLC, a boutique law firm that provides estate planning, probate administration and asset protection services, has launched the state’s only Estate and Probate Mediation Service registered with the Wisconsin Association of Mediators. The new service offers a much needed alternative to litigating the growing number of trust, estate and probate disputes and is designed to keep clients out of court, reduce legal costs and preserve family relationships.
“Routinely used in divorce and custody conflicts, mediation is ideally suited for estate and probate disputes in which complex family issues and emotions can dominate,” explained attorney Eido Walny, founder of Walny Legal Group. “Nationwide, we’re seeing an increase in the number and intensity of trust and estate disputes due to several factors: baby boomers having started to transfer their wealth to heirs; blended and non-traditional families are changing family dynamics; and inevitable mistakes are resulting from the rise of do-it-yourself legal website and software plans.”
Such legal challenges and family disputes are costly. Initial paperwork and discovery alone can potentially cost tens of thousands of dollars, according to Walny. Mediation provides individuals the opportunity to avoid expensive litigation and resolve disputes confidentially on their own terms rather than at the mercy of the crowded court system. Additionally, mediation offers a broader range of solutions. Unlike litigation, in which the law limits the remedies available to a judge to resolve a dispute, mediation can address the non-legal and other practical issues that may be at the root of the conflict.
“With mediation, everyone has a chance to be heard and move past the underlying emotional issues to reach an outcome that fits the specific situation and varying interests of all involved. Every family and situation has its own particular challenges.”
With extensive experience in family mediation services, including court-appointed mediation, Walny Legal Group is uniquely qualified to act as neutral mediators in estate and probate disputes. The judicial system, too, can benefit from mediation services that can help alleviate crowded legal dockets where quarreling parties take up significant court time.