Contact: R.E. Hurst
Phone: 414-771-4171
In the Business of Saving Money
How this Milwaukee native is helping local businesses save on their telecom and merchant services expenses.
The telecommunications and merchant services industries can be difficult to navigate, and finding the best services and service providers at the best price can be an overwhelming prospect for business owners.
This is why Schooley Mitchell Optimization Specialist Gregg Robers is committed to providing his clients with objective advice, while always keeping their best interest in mind.
“I work on behalf of my clients to save them time and money,” says the Milwaukee-based consultant.
“Schooley Mitchell is vigilant in our research to help customers determine the best possible solutions for running their business.”
With years of experience in sales, management and major account representation, Robers has developed a reputation of being resourceful and honest. He loves working with people to find solutions to their problems, and is passionate about helping local businesses with their telecom and merchant services needs.
“I get a lot of joy out of providing a totally objective perspective,” says Robers. “I know it sounds a little cliché, but I have a true win/win relationship with each and every one of my clients.”
Mobile devices are already a large part of people’s daily lives, and Robers predicts their impact will only continue to grow.
In the future, he sees the market evolving to the point where mobile devices become the primary method for making financial transactions. As the market continues to change, Robers will be there to help his clients find new ways to save time and money, by taking advantage of the latest technologies.
Outside of work, Robers stays busy coaching youth baseball for the New Berlin Athletic Association and youth soccer for the Milwaukee Kickers Soccer Club. He is also an avid reader and enjoys outdoor activities, especially when they allow him to spend quality time with his wife and two sons.
When asked to share a piece of advice about business, Robers said it is extremely important to maintain a hunger for knowledge.
“Always continue to learn, no matter what area of life or business you are dealing with,” he explained.
“Mastery can only be attained by constantly striving to understand and achieve more.”
For further information, please contact:
Gregg Robers
Optimization Specialist
Schooley Mitchell