Judi Murphy, Murphy Associates
p 262-786-7424
Waukesha, Wis. – January 5, 2015 – SalesTechnik LLC, located in Waukesha, Wis., is celebrating its fifth year maximizing sales opportunities for southeastern Wisconsin companies. SalesTechnik was founded by Peter C Rathmann in January, 2010, to take the dysfunction out of the sales function in area organizations.
“I started the practice to help individuals, organizations, and companies increase their top-line sales revenues,” said Rathmann, president and owner.
SalesTechnik helps individuals, organizations and companies increase their opportunities and selling results through the alignment of their sales structures, sales process, sales skills, and sales activities with the right customers in the right markets.
“Although I’m all about results, the greatest reward since I started this adventure has been the ability to meet some great people, partner with some outstanding organizations, and work with some of the region’s best leaders and companies that truly care about their people and are focused on improving the communities they serve,” Rathmann continued.
SalesTechnik provides consulting and training services in Milwaukee, Madison, Fox Valley, Waukesha, Lake Geneva, Wis., and Sarasota, FL.
For more information about SalesTechnik LLC, contact Peter Rathmann at 262-442-0896, email to or visit SalesTechnik LLC is located at W257 S4986 Wood Lily Lane, Waukesha, WI 53188.