Media Contact: Ann Marie Ames
Jim Dick, Communications Director
MADISON – The Brazilian food and beverage industry sectors are growing as demand increases for a wide variety of food products. Capitalize on this trend and register now for the international food show, SIAL Brazil, from June 8-11 in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Trade specialists from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection’s (DATCP’s) International Agribusiness Center along with staff from Food Export Association of the Midwest will help Wisconsin companies connect with buyers at the show and identify additional market opportunities.
Products in demand include alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages; canned and frozen foods; cereals; condiments and spices; confections; dairy products including cheese; foods labeled as healthy, natural or organic; meat products and snack foods. Among the most popular foods at the U.S. pavilion last year were bakery products, dips, cheese sauce and dried fruits.
The show is an excellent point of entry to food markets in Brazil and throughout South America. Last year, companies that exhibited in the U.S.A. pavilion introduced 91 new-to-market products. They made 290 business contacts and reported $2.2 million in on-site sales or sales expected in the 12 months following the show.
Sales of U.S. foods into the Brazilian market continue to grow. In 2014, sales of consumer-ready products reached a record high of $238.8 million, a 64 percent increase compared to 2010. Retail sales of packaged foods reached $126 billion in 2013 and are expected to reach $157.9 billion by 2018.
Food Show Plus! services include introductions with pre-qualified buyers, pre-show custom product research, a market briefing by U.S. Foreign Agricultural Service staff, interpretation during booth hours, translation of as many as two pages of exhibitor material into Portuguese and on-site show assistance.
Save $125 by registering by February 16. The cost of early registration is $225. After February 16, the cost to register is $350. The deadline to register is March 16.
For more information or to register, contact DATCP’s Ashwini Rao at 608-224-5119 or or visit
The demand is growing around the world for safe, quality Wisconsin food and agricultural products. Staff at the Wisconsin International Agribusiness Center provide support, technical assistance and export education to Wisconsin farmers and business owners that want to reach new international markets. Learn more at