Long-time Gundersen Health System CEO to step down in 2015
Jeff Thompson, MD, has announced his intent to step down as chief executive officer (CEO) of La Crosse, Wis.-based Gundersen Health System in 2015. “The timing is right for Gundersen, right for the community and right for me personally,” Dr. Thompson says. “I have talked to our governing boards and senior leadership, and we think now is a good time to make this important transition.”
“We have many very smart people, very caring people, people who are really focused on our mission. So, I think the time to step down is when we have strength, momentum and staff to continue to do great work,” explains Dr. Thompson.
“Jeff Thompson’s extraordinary leadership and vision has guided Gundersen Health System to national acclaim in the healthcare industry and beyond,” says Greg Prairie, Gundersen Health System Board vice president. “Dr. Thompson’s countless contributions to Gundersen’s success, his inspiration to an immensely dedicated, innovative and hardworking team of employees, and his drive to improve the health of the communities in which Gundersen serves will be his lasting legacy.”
A committee of Gundersen’s governing boards will be formalized to begin the process of selecting the next CEO. Dr. Thompson will remain CEO during this process.
Recently celebrating 30 years with Gundersen, Dr. Thompson served as executive vice president from 1995 to 2001, and has been CEO for the last 14 years.
Dr. Thompson is also an accomplished physician. He has been board certified in Pediatric Critical Care, Neonatal and Perinatal Medicine, and Pediatrics. He received his medical training at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Medical School, University of California-Davis and Upstate Medical Center in Syracuse, N.Y.
During his tenure, Gundersen has received numerous honors for patient care and quality measures, including Healthgrades America’s 50 Best Award™ for 2014 and the Distinguished Hospital Award for Clinical Excellence seven years in a row. The organization’s Envision® (environmental sustainability), Respecting Choices® (end-of-life planning) and 500 Club® (healthy eating) programs have been highlighted by news organizations and health systems across the United States and around the world.
In addition to the quality advancement, Dr. Thompson has also led Gundersen through many other significant changes in recent years such as:
The highest patient satisfaction rating the organization has seen
Developing partnerships in our communities that understand we are collaborating for the good of the region
Implementing electronic health records for all patients across all parts of the organization.
Lower rate increases 16 years in a row
In 2014, the opening of the new, energy-efficient hospital with all private room and state-of-the-art surgery suites
Expansion of inpatient Behavior Health with private rooms and additional accommodations for adolescent and vulnerable patients
Becoming the first health system in the country to achieve its first days of energy independence in 2014
Establishing global partnerships for the betterment of communities with some of the greatest healthcare needs
“It’s been an amazing opportunity to be the CEO of Gundersen. It’s a great honor to be responsible for such great staff,” Dr. Thompson adds. “It’s a privilege to work alongside so many talented people who care for patients, their families and the community. Gundersen has great momentum to build upon our successes and continue improvement for the good of those we serve.”
Dr. Thompson comments, “Gundersen has wonderful talent and I’m very proud to be connected with so many people who believe in the health and well-being of the people in our communities.”