For more information, contact:
Alison Lebwohl, DMV Driver Qualification chief
(608) 266-0054,
Commercial drivers get help with paperwork through new 24/7 online Driver License Guide
Access driver information 24/7 from anywhere with first-of-its-kind service
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) offers a new online service designed for the unique needs of commercial drivers. The Driver License Guide now enables drivers, even fleet owners, to check their eligibility and status and ensure they have the proper endorsements. The step-by-step process also creates a personalized checklist of the documents needed to obtain a new card at a DMV customer service center.
The self-serve Driver License Guide is at the DMV website ( Customers can use the mobile-friendly site 24/7 to conveniently get information specific to their Wisconsin driver license record. They can also browse anonymously to explore and learn about obtaining a driver license. Both regular drivers and commercial users can access their information here. This is the first of its kind online application.
“Paperwork for commercial drivers can get extensive. All their driving-related information is now accessible to them anytime from anywhere,” says Alison Lebwohl, DMV Driver Qualification chief. “Commercial drivers can check their Federal Medical (Fed Med) requirements and upload their new Fed Med card, check their Tier of Operation, view endorsements. They can even take a practice Commercial Driver License (CDL) test and download the CDL Manual in an e-book format. It’s now all online.”
Lebwohl said the DMV expects the most popular features will be the customized checklist of documents that will be necessary to bring to a DMV customer service center for a new card. The Driver License Guide can also pre-populate the application forms.
Drivers with regular driver licenses can also use this app, added Lebwohl.
This version of the new Driver License Guide joins many other WisDOT online tools and services for commercial drivers. The goal is to improve customer service and to help prepare safer drivers for Wisconsin roads.
When accessing transportation-related forms, only websites with .gov extension are from official state websites. Others with .org and .com are not official and may have extra charges for forms or list information that is outdated or incorrect.