For further information:
Contact: Lori Nachtwey, 920-469-3110 ex 119
Veterinarian from China to visit BAHS!
Green Bay, WI – The Bay Area Humane Society is thrilled to announce we will be hosting a tour for a visiting veterinarian from China!
On Thursday, January 8th, Dr. Eric Dong, a veterinarian from Beijing, China, will be touring our facility along with Dr. Pat Warpinski, a veterinarian from The Animal House here is Green Bay. Dr. Dong is here visiting from China through the “NOBIVAC Global Vet Exchange”.
He will be here in Green Bay for one week studying and learning with Dr. Pat, to see how veterinary medicine is performed and perceived over here in the United States. In exchange, Dr. Pat will then travel to China in February and study their culture for a week. The program is designed to introduce veterinarians to a different culture, expose them to how veterinary medicine is performed globally, and to then have them share their practicing philosophies and business models with each other.
During his week here, one of his stops is right here at BAHS. He will be here around 10:15 am to take a tour and learn more about how the Bay Area Humane Society operates. BAHS is located at 1830 Radisson St. in Green Bay, WI.