CONTACT: Laurie Mayberry, 608-262-5246,
MADISON – Undergraduate achievements will be on full display next week as students from across the University of Wisconsin-Madison present their work at the 16th Annual Undergraduate Symposium Thursday, April 10, at Union South.
The event is part of Ideas to Excellence, a month-long celebration of students’ academic and creative achievements. Multiple venues around campus will house events – including exhibitions, poster sessions and performances – that showcase excellence in student work.
The symposium is open to all undergraduate students, with the goal of providing an opportunity to present their work in a professional setting.
“We have students ranging from freshmen to seniors in fields from art history to microbiology to efforts in sustainability,” says Berit Ness, director of the Undergraduate Symposium.
Biology major Nicole Cancel, who is also completing a certificate in Chican@ and Latin@ studies, presented at the symposium in 2012 as a first-year student in the Undergraduate Research Scholars Program. This year, she returns as a junior to talk about her research on “Individualized Quality of Life in Hispanic Individuals with Heart Problems.”
Using a questionnaire provided in both English and Spanish, Cancel asked a sample of older adults with heart problems to reveal what is most important to them regarding their quality of life.
“The dual purpose is to both validate the Spanish translated version of the (questionnaire) and also to provide preliminary data on the determinants of individualized quality of life of this population, which has never been looked at before,” says Cancel.
Cancel hopes that by exposing students, faculty and community members to her research at the symposium, they will begin to think about the big picture when it comes to their own health.
Chris Olsen, interim vice provost for teaching and learning, says the annual symposium serves as a showcase for the work of UW-Madison’s remarkable undergraduate students.
“The energy and enthusiasm at this event each year is amazing,” says Olsen. “I invite everyone in the campus community to attend, learn, and support and congratulate our students.”
Cancel will be joined at the symposium by more than 600 other student presenters, including nine who also presented their work at the Posters in the Rotunda event last month at the State Capitol.
Additional events celebrating Ideas to Excellence include:
-PharmTox Senior Research Seminars, Tuesdays through May 6, 2:35-3:45 p.m.
2006 Rennebohm Hall, 777 Highland Ave.
-Computer Science NEST Contest Day, Friday, April 4, all day. 1240 Computer Sciences Building, 1210 W. Dayton St.
-86th Annual Student Art Show, April 4-24. Porter Butts and Class of 1925 Galleries, Memorial Union, 800 Langdon St. Opening Reception and Awards Announcement, Friday, April 4, 6-8 p.m. Main Lounge, Memorial Union.
-L&S Honors Program Senior Honors Thesis Symposium, Saturday, April 5, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Union South (TITU), 1308 W. Dayton St.
-5th Annual Digital Salon, April 6-12, Open Book Café, College Library, 600 N. Park St.
-Ideas to Excellence Reception, Thursday, April 10, 5:30 p.m. Union South (TITU), 1308 W. Dayton St.
-Qualcomm Wireless Innovation Prize, Thursday, April 17. Town Center, H. F. DeLuca Forum, Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery, 330 N. Orchard St.
-Reid Bryson Scholarship Poster Session, Tuesday, April 22. Monona Terrace Convention Center, 1 John Nolen Dr.
-Wisconsin Energy and Sustainability Challenge, Tuesday, April 22. Monona Terrace Convention Center, 1 John Nolen Dr.
-CALS Undergraduate Research Symposium, Tuesday, April 22. 1st floor atrium, Microbial Sciences Building,1550 Linden Dr.
-Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate Design Expo, Friday, May 2. Atrium, Engineering Centers Building, 1550 Engineering Dr.
-G. Steven Burrill Business Plan Competition, Friday, May 2. Grainger Hall,
975 University Ave.
-Introductory Biology 152 Undergraduate Research Poster Session, Wednesday, May 7, 4-7 p.m. Union South, 1308 W. Dayton St.
-Innovative Minds, Friday, May 9. Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery, 330 N. Orchard St.
-Thread Remix: Design & Fashion Event, Saturday, May 10, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Nancy Nicholas Hall, 1300 Linden Dr.
– Jane Roberts, 608-890-2167,