The Rock County Job Center is seeking local employers to participate in its October 16 Job Fair to be held at the Pontiac Convention Center in Janesville. The multi-employer fair will be open to the general public from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. [10 a.m.-11 a.m. being just for veterans]. The event is a part of the Job Center’s ongoing commitment to connect employers with qualified job-seekers.
Employers from all industries and sectors are encouraged to participate. The cost remains at $150 per employer if registered by October 4, and includes booth space, electrical hookup, and wireless internet. Additional tables and boxed lunches are available for a nominal fee. Payment can be made via check, credit card or a Paypal account.
Employers having questions about the veteran’s preference portion from 10-11 a.m. can contact Charles Jones at the Office of Veterans Services at the Rock County Job Center at (608) 741-3522. Veterans participating must have registered in advance to speak to employer representatives to have their questions answered and fill out employment applications and related paperwork.
More information and registration forms can be found at or can be found by visiting and clicking on “Events.”
Employers with questions should contact Southwest Wisconsin Workforce Development Board’s (SWWDB) Business Services Coordinator Gail Graham at (608) 314-3300, Ext. 304 or