DATCP: Growing Wisconsin video debut

Contact: Jim Dick, Communications Director, 608-224-5020 jim.dick@wi.gov

MADISON- Growing Wisconsin and growing awareness of the state’s $59-billion agriculture industry is why we’d like to have as many people as possible view a newly produced video that showcases the state’s agricultural diversity.

Commissioned by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection’s (DATCP) International Trade Team, this video was originally intended for international buyers as an introduction to Wisconsin Ag exports. But it is also a great way for anyone to discover just how multi-faceted the agriculture industry is and the impact it has on the state’s economy. Wisconsin may be America’s Dairyland but there’s much more to us than that.

We hope you will share this video so others may learn about agriculture’s history and tradition while looking forward to its bright future.

The video can be found at the DATCP YouTube Channel:
