Contact Information:
Nicole Meadowcroft, President
Custom Canines Service Dog Academy, Inc.
(608) 444-9555
‘Pedal 4 Paws – Coast 2 Coast’ helping families in need of service dogs
MADISON, WI — Jeff and Lisa Arndt, two long-time Puppy Raisers from Custom Canines Service Dog Academy (CCSDA), will be pedaling their tandem bicycle 2,858 miles from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean in order to raise money, raise awareness and share their experiences as puppy raisers. The adventure begins in San Diego, California on March 8, 2013 and ends in St. Augustine, Florida on April 29, 2013.
CCSDA is a non-profit organization based in Madison, WI, which raises and trains service dogs, which are then placed with families in need free of charge. Volunteer puppy raisers are the backbone of the organization; they take puppies into their homes and provide care, training, and socialization for 12-15 months before the dogs are placed with their “forever families.” These families can receive autism service dogs, visual companion dogs, mobility assistance dogs and guide dogs.
CCSDA’s biggest demand is for autism service dogs. These dogs are an important enhancement to the life of a child with autism. By keeping children anchored physically and emotionally, these specially trained canines make it possible for kids to participate more fully in school and social activities with their peers and families. Research shows the earlier and more tools given to kids with autism, the better the outcomes.
“We are really excited about our upcoming fundraiser,” said Nicole Meadowcroft, president of CCSDA. “We will be following Lisa and Jeff on this is cross-country bicycle journey, from California to Florida for 52 days. We so appreciate them creating this unique fundraising opportunity, awareness and sharing CCSDA’s mission with a larger audience.”
To support this trip, people can make a pledge of $10 to sponsor one of the 2,858 miles of the Pedal 4 Paws – Coast 2 Coast journey. The riders will average 65 miles per day with an average projected speed of 15 mph. All funds will be used to support Custom Canines Service Dog Academy.
For more information on how to follow and contribute to this fundraising event, go to: