For more information, contact:
Jill Mrotek Glenzinski, WisDOT Bicycle & Pedestrian Coordinator
(608) 267-7757,
Wisconsin is the sixth bicycle friendliest state in the nation and second in the Midwest according to a study released today.
The state’s ranking, by the League of American Bicyclists, is based on five categories.
* Legislation and enforcement
* Policies and programs
* Infrastructure and funding
* Education and encouragement
* Evaluating and planning
“Approximately 11 percent of all trips in Wisconsin are made by bicycling and walking,” said Jill Mrotek Glenzinski, bicycle and pedestrian coordinator for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT). “We are committed to providing and promoting safe bicycle accommodations around the state.”
Recently updated state laws include safe bicycling practices such as signal turns with either the right or left hand, and the use of red rear lights in place of reflectors. Wisconsin continues implementation of one of the nation’s first complete-streets statutes, which includes bike and walking accommodations in construction projects. In addition, Madison was just recently named the fifth most bikeable city in the country in another study, and Omro Middle School received the James L. Oberstar Safe Routes to School Award for its student bicycle program.
Wisconsin finishes behind Washington, Minnesota, Massachusetts, Colorado and Oregon in the study, which is online at