The Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association is proud to honor three inductees for the 2012 Wisconsin Pet Hall of Fame.
In its 18th year, the Wisconsin Pet Hall of Fame celebrates pets that exemplify the affection, loyalty, and value of the human-animal bond. Each year the WVMA honors this special relationship in three categories: hero, professional, and companion. The 2012 inductees have contributed immensely to the lives of their owners and their communities.
These three extraordinary canines will be honored during a noon luncheon ceremony held on March 3 at the Glacier Canyon Lodge in Wisconsin Dells.
Professional – Bailey
Bailey, an 11-year-old Labrador from Madison, is not your typical pet. Bailey has very important traits which have enabled him to be truly special.
His owner, Tom Cunningham, has a hereditary eye disease, Retinitis Pigmentosa. Bailey guides Tom every day to avoid injury and danger. Bailey has provided countless hours of service to Tom over the past nine years.
“But even this is not the most remarkable thing about Bailey,” says Bailey’s veterinarian, Dr. Peter Janssen, Janssen Clinic for Animals, Middleton.
Dr. Janssen has witnessed Bailey on- and off-duty. When Bailey goes to the veterinary clinic, his leader harness is removed. He is then “at liberty.”
“At that time it becomes obvious what those traits are that make Bailey so special,” continues Dr. Janssen.
Bailey gives enthusiastic greetings and displays true Labrador instincts. When he sees another dog in the clinic or a squirrel outside, it is a chore to keep him on the exam table, but when Bailey’s harness goes back on, he is all about business.
“What Baily is displaying then are the traits of conscientiousness and remarkable self-control,” says Dr. Janssen.
Bailey is conscientious about the important work he provides to Tom every day and that makes him a well deserving inductee to the Wisconsin Pet Hall of Fame.
Companion – Miller
Miller Tushaus is a perfect representation of how extraordinary the human-animal bond can be. Recently, Miller passed his Canine Good Citizen Test and is now a registered therapy dog.
“Miller is the most gentle and patient 3-year-old Labrador that I know,” says Miller’s veterinarian, Dr. Lisa Schultz of Burleigh Road Animal Hospital in Brookfield.
Miller works with Pets Helping People, an organization that provides handler/pet teams with various groups such as hospitals, senior residences, libraries, women’s shelters, schools and hospice settings.
Specifically, Miller spends time with senior residents at the Congregational Home in Brookfield and participates in Agnesian HealthCare Kids Survival Kamp, a bereavement camp for children.
Miller’s owner, Dan, also enjoys volunteering with Miller.
“Not only do Dan and Miller’s spirit of volunteerism represent the best in community involvement, but their ability to relate to all types of individuals in a loving and caring way represent the best in animal assisted therapy,” explains David Tucker, Pets Helping People President.
In his short three years, Miller has touched many lives and will continue to do so throughout his life.
Hero – Roxie
Roxie, a 6-year-old Boxer, is a hero to all who know her. Roxie lives with her owner, Emily Quisling and Emily’s roommate, Sharon in Chippewa Falls.
Sharon was diagnosed with ovarian cancer over two years ago and receives chemotherapy treatments. The night of August 30, 2011 was not an average night in the Quisiling home.
Roxie usually sleeps in the living room but that night she slept on the floor next to Sharon’s bed. During the night, Sharon woke up to go to the bathroom and began to seizure. Roxie quickly ran to Sharon’s side and then went to alert Emily.
“She was running between the two rooms snorting, jumping in the air, and making all sorts of commotion until Emily got up to find Sharon lying on the bathroom floor,” explains Roxie’s veterinarian, Dr. Kristy Langhoff, Chippewa Veterinary Clinic, Chippewa Falls.
Emily was able to stabilize Sharon’s head until the seizures subsided.
Sharon’s seizures were a result of the chemotherapy drugs, causing low magnesium in her body. Roxie seems to know at other times when Sharon is not feeling well. She will sniff her excessively and pay extra attention to her.
Without Roxie’s attentiveness and action, it is unknown what the outcome of Sharon’s seizure would have been.
The mission of the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association is to advocate and promote veterinary medicine, while enriching animal and human health. Founded in 1915, it has more than 2,300 members.