Media Contact: Christine Lindner
Flavorful Insight, 920.296.9772
Waunakee, WI, October 11, 2012—The numbers are impressive: 800 volunteers, including Wisconsin Soybean farmers, will gather to make more than 150,000 meals at Waunakee Feed the Need’s seventh annual Food for Kidz event on October 21. The need is great, though, and that’s the kind of community involvement required to combat world hunger. The number of hungry people in the world is greater than the populations of the U.S., Canada and the European Union combined. In the U.S. alone, more than 33 million people—including 13 million children—live in households that have periods of hunger or food insecurity. Through the crops they grow, their donations and volunteer efforts, Wisconsin Soybean farmers help feed the hungry in local communities as well as in developing countries around the world.
“We are proud to join the Food for Kidz effort to feed children and their families in need,” says Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board President Mike Cerny, a farmer from Walworth. It’s a noble cause as farmers to help feed our neighbors and families around the world by providing a protein-rich food source.”
Food for Kidz relies on the volunteers and donors to raise money to pay for food ingredients that are packaged into meals. Each distributed food package provides six nutritionally complete meals for hungry children and their families. It’s appropriate that Wisconsin Soybean farmers, through the Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board, support this event, because one of the main ingredients is soy protein. Other ingredients include rice, dried vegetables, vitamins and minerals. The packaged meals are distributed free; locally as well as internationally to help feed the world’s hungry. Food scientists at Cargill, General Mills and Archer Daniels Midland developed the formula for the food packages. Each meal costs about 15 cents. This year marks a milestone for Food for Kidz as volunteers will package the 1 millionth meal during the event.
To learn more about the Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board and its work in the community, visit the website at
To donate, volunteer or learn more about participating in the Waunakee Feed the Need seventh annual Food for Kids event visit the website at or call 608.231.9901. You’ll find the website for the Stewart, MN-based Food For Kidz at
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