Wis. Economic Scorecard: Residents down on current economy but see state headed in right direction

The latest edition of the Wisconsin Economic Scorecard finds Wisconsin residents remain pessimistic about the current state economy, but a growing number feel the state is headed in the right direction.

The number of people saying the state is headed in the right direction increased for the third consecutive quarter, up to 61.0 percent. That compares to 54.9 percent in July and 51.2 percent in March.

However, 53.4 percent rate the current economy as only “fair,” with 21.6 percent saying it is “poor.” Just 24.1 percent say the state economy is “good”, and less than 1 percent say the state economy is “excellent.”

The poll also asked about state spending, finding that Wisconsin residents would prefer state revenues to be spent on additional funding for education over receiving tax cuts by a 2‐to‐1 margin — 56.9 percent to 27.3 percent.

The Wisconsin Economic Scorecard is a quarterly poll of Wisconsin residents conducted by the UWM Center for Urban Initiatives and Research, in cooperation with Milwaukee public radio station WUWM and WisBusiness.com . This tracking poll measures perceptions of the health of Wisconsin’s economy as well as personal economic circumstances of Wisconsin residents.

The October 2012 poll surveyed 472 Wisconsin residents from October 22‐25 and has a margin of error of 4.5 percentage points.

See details: http://www.wisbusiness.com/1008/121030ECONscorecard.pdf