Statement by Paul Jadin, CEO/Secretary of Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation on Chief Executive magazine ranking of Wisconsin as 20th Best State for Business
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For the second year in a row, Wisconsin moved up the rankings in the Chief Executive magazine’s “Best States for Business” survey of CEOs. This positive observation from business leaders confirms that Wisconsin is emerging as a great place for business.
Wisconsin is becoming a more attractive state for new business investment, through our focused support of Wisconsin’s existing business and industry, expanded support for entrepreneurs and attraction of businesses from outside our borders.
One of Governor Scott Walker’s first business development initiatives was to create the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation to establish a strong focus on business development for in-state business expansion and for business relocations to our state.
This new emphasis on economic development has established a culture of optimism in Wisconsin that builds upon the strong economic assets of Wisconsin and envisions a bright future for our state as one of the world’s greatest destination for business start-up and expansion.
In the short time since WEDC was formed, we’ve created a groundbreaking model for advancing target industry sectors—one which delivers customized programs that support significant job creation. We’ve refocused and expanded our international outreach efforts. And we’re taking innovative steps for entrepreneurial support through early stage investment strategies.
This national recognition gives us the opportunity to promote the strength of our state-wide economic development partners—from our technical college system to our chambers of commerce, municipal governments, local and regional economic development organizations, and industry associations.