UW-Madison: Real estate conference focuses on housing policy

CONTACT: Lee Gottschalk, 608-265-2032, lgottschalk@bus.wisc.edu.; Morris Davis, 608-262-8775, mdavis@bus.wisc.edu

MADISON – “Building a Housing Policy that Works,” a conference presented by the Wisconsin School of Business Graaskamp Center for Real Estate, will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Friday, June 1 at the Fluno Center for Executive Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Karl “Chip” Case, co-founder of the S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Index, and Lawrence Yun, chief economist and senior vice president of research for the National Association of Realtors will serve as two of the event’s featured speakers. Curt Culver, chairman and chief executive officer, MGIC, will discuss potential outcomes of government-sponsored enterprises (GSE) reforms. Other speakers will offer perspectives on whether the recent $26 billion multi-state mortgage settlement against big banks will help struggling home owners.

With budget battles looming and the presidential election already in full swing, 2012 is sure to have monumental implications for housing policy. Developing and advancing bipartisan solutions to fix the nation’s ongoing housing challenges have proven difficult in today’s highly polarized political environment. But housing is not only a basic human need – it is also a critical element of our economy. Now is the time to take a fresh look at this issue and consider these questions:

What policies should the current or the next administration implement to design a healthy, responsible, functioning, and efficient housing market? What are the key lessons from past housing programs and policies such as HAMP and HAFA? How can we apply those lessons to future policy prescriptions? What are the best solutions for addressing the massive inventories of vacant properties due to foreclosures? What options will Americans of modest means have in regard to their housing needs?

This conference will present varied perspectives and analyses on these issues while stimulating ideas on how to spur the housing market and get the U.S. economy back on track for solid growth. Participants will hear from experts from the public and private sectors who are involved in government, business, and academia – all of them are on the front lines of housing market research, policy, and practice.

The conference is co-sponsored by the UW-Madison Graaskamp Center for Real Estate, Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority, Wisconsin Department of Commerce and the Wisconsin Realtors Association and the Wisconsin Bankers Association.

The 2012 Wisconsin Real Estate and Economic Outlook Conference “New Partnerships: Government and Real Estate” event website is located at http://bus.wisc.edu/housingconf2012. The cost to attend the conference is $110 for non-profits and $150 for corporate participants.

Reporters and editors are invited to attend all or any part of the conference free of charge. Contact Lee Gottschalk to make arrangements.