For more information, Jeff Fleming (414-286-8580)
Taxpayers See Dividend from Electricity Generation
The Port of Milwaukee hosted a dedication event on Monday May, 14th for the new “Northern Power 100”
wind turbine which is installed and operating alongside the Port administration building. Since being
erected, the wind turbine has become a landmark at the south end of the Hoan Bridge. More importantly,
the operation of the electricity-generating turbine has proven to provide noteworthy benefits to taxpayers
and the community.
The turbine is producing more energy than initially projected, and that translates into direct cost savings
to the Port of Milwaukee. In fact, the latest energy bill for the administration offices has the electric utility
pay thousands of dollars back to the Port, and, indications are, that will continue into the foreseeable
At the dedication event, Milwaukee Office of Environmental Sustainability Director Matt Howard listed
more than one dozen Wisconsin firms directly involved in this project. He also pointed out the positive
environmental impacts from the wind turbine including the facts that in less than three months of
operation, the turbine has produced approximately 42,000 kilowatt hours of renewable energy and kept
more than 53,000 pounds of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere.
At the event, an official plaque was unveiled, and city leaders encouraged Milwaukee residents to visit the
continuously updated website that monitors the wind turbine’s operation.
Turbine Timeline
Nov 3, 2011: Groundbreaking hosted by Mayor Barrett
Nov 18, 2011: Foundation completed
Dec 16, 2011: Trenching and electrical run complete
Feb 17, 2012: Tower base section delivery. Installing base tower section and grouting
Feb 20, 2012: Delivery of remaining tower sections and blades. Installation of tower sections 2 & 3 and
Feb 21, 2012: Installation of rotor and blades
Feb 27, 2012: Interconnection with We Energies – online data monitoring
May 14, 2012: Dedication event