Contact: Bill G. Smith
NFIB says reaffirming the Governor’s election is critical to the jobs and the economy
Madison (May 23, 2012) – With private sector job creation rising and state government finally on firm fiscal ground, Wisconsin’s leading advocate for small business owners today strongly endorsed Governor Scott Walker in the upcoming June election.
“Every politician pretends to care about small business. The difference between them and Scott Walker is that he means it,” said Bill G. Smith, State Director for the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB). “From the moment he took the oath two years ago he has been focused firmly on jobs and the economy and the results are indisputable.”
“Wisconsin small businesses are creating jobs again because they have confidence in the direction of the state under the Walker administration.
Smith cited lawsuit reform that protects small businesses from frivolous litigation; tax cuts and incentives that make Wisconsin more competitive; and aggressive spending reforms at the state and local levels that have already saved tens of millions of dollars for property taxpayers.
“What our members admire most about the Governor is his political courage to take on the tough fights and the strong leadership he provides the small business community,” said Smith.
This election, he said, is perhaps the most important contest in memory because the outcome will determine whether Wisconsin’s recovery gains speed or whether it jams on the breaks and reverses course.
“Virtually all of the gains of the past two years are in serious jeopardy,” Smith said. “We’re facing a very stark choice between policies that have already triggered job growth, and those policies that we know from experience will discourage employment, expand government, and stifle small business growth.”
Smith said that his organization, with more than 12,000 members in Wisconsin, will work hard in the next few weeks to ensure Governor Walker’s election.
“Everyone knows what’s at stake, and the small business community is going to do its part to keep Wisconsin moving forward,” he said.