Contact: Bill G. Smith, 608-255-6083
Confirmed speakers will highlight top issues for NFIB members and small business owners
Madison (February 14, 2012) — Small business owners from across Wisconsin are invited to attend a special briefing preceding the 10th Annual Business Day in Madison scheduled for Thursday, February 16th at the Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center, the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) said today.
“This is an important event for small business owners because it puts them in direct contact with the people in Madison who affect everything they do,” said NFIB State Director Bill G. Smith.
Business Day in Madison this year will feature remarks by Governor Scott Walker and top analysts from around the country. An exclusive session for small business owners will be held before the event, however, featuring a special welcome from Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch, a labor law update from Workforce Development Secretary Reggie Newson, and an update on federal issues from Kate Bonner, NFIB’s top analyst in the US House of Representatives.
“The briefing is reserved for small business owners and it will cover important legislative issues taking shape in Madison and Washington, DC,” said Smith.
The briefing for NFIB members will start at 8 am, although Smith said that non-members are welcomed to attend as well.
“It’s important for all of us to be heard,” said Smith. “It’s a very productive day with a lot of useful information and a chance to talk with elected officials about the issues that are most important to small businesses.”
The formal program, which is open to the general business community, begins at 9 am. The keynote speaker this year is Todd Buchholz, former White House Economic Policy Advisory and now economic forecaster. Also speaking will be nationally renowned political pollster and consultant Frank Luntz. Governor Walker will bring close the program with an address as well.
To find out how to register for the event, or to learn more about NFIB, please visit